
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Indiana Flowers + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

If you haven’t been a follower for long, then let me introduce you to my gorgeous friend, Indiana. Isn’t he precious? I’ve just got a couple of photos to share with you today and then I hope you’ll link up and join my linky party!
Before linking up please grab my button to add to your post or blog!
Kirsty Girl

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Winter Calla Lily

So I was actually good the other day and went outside to the garden and took some photographs. I haven’t done this in ages! It felt great! Completely forgot how much I enjoy taking photos. Silly me! Do you ever do that?
I’m very happy with how these turned out. I think I got shots of just about the only flowers blooming. It is winter in Australia and it is COLD! So I did ok finding some! I have a few more shots for you to take a look at next post too!
Hope you enjoy them!

Linking up with: 504 Main and Chic on a Shoestring and LambAround

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Woodbridge Sunrise + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

This is the view from our cabin at Woodbridge Hill Hideaway in the early morning. Beautiful! Waking up to that streaming through the window was pretty spectacular.
If you’re interested and you missed my last posts about the cabin you can view them here:
Alright, now on to the party. I hope you’ll link up with me! Please note that this is for bloggers only. If you have a business that you would like me to advertise. Please check out my advertising page.
Kirsty Girl 

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

{Kirsty & Friends Linky Party} Featuring Beachcomber!

Last weeks Linky Party was visited by Cheryl at Beachcomber, if you didn’t click on her link up last week, fear not because today I am featuring her so you’ll not miss out!

As you know I love anything costal and the Beachcomber blog is just that. If you click on any of the pictures you’ll be directed to it’s particular post, but if you haven’t visited before, I suggest heading over there now to soak up some pretty whites!

I love this little study nook that was put together with an old chair found by the side of the road and some louvre doors used as a noticeboard! Not only is it gorgeous, it’s also practical!
Of course I had to include this last photo, it’s from the linked up post in the party and best of all the assistant designer looks just like my Duke!

Ok now it’s time for this weeks party! You could get featured here too so make sure to link up! For those of you that don’t already know all you have to do is click on the “add your link” button below and link back to me in the post or your blog and there you have it! You have your link up on Kirsty Girl.

Kirsty Girl

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage, 504 Main and Chic on a Shoestring.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Woodbridge Hill Hideaway Glassworks & Pool + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

This is the view from outside the pool at the cabin Andi and I stayed in last week. Pretty!



Inside the cabin and all around the estate are beautiful glassworks that the owner has created. These two windows were inside our cabin. I wish I could have photographed them better but there was so much light streaming in from the view opposite… how awful. haha
This cute little guy was just outside the pool. He had his own little pond too. Very Sweet. There were sculptures and glassworks like this all over the place. Gorgeous.
Ok now on to the party. I do hope you’ll join up and visit those that did too! Remember to grab my button and link back!
Kirsty Girl

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage