
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

UnCommon Goods $50 Giveaway!

Woohoo! Welcome to my very first giveaway courtesy of UnCommon Goods! I have made little collages of my favourite picks from their home decor, garden and dining & entertaining categories because it was way too hard to only make one! They have soo many beautiful things to choose from.

If you’re a follower of this blog you’ll know that I chose these beautiful puppies! Oil and Vinegar Wiener Dogs. They’re so cool! You can view that post here.
Uncommon Goods Wiener Dogs Review 4
Entering the giveaway is super easy! All you have to do is comment on this post! Entries are open to everyone no matter where you are in the world! Yay! Just make sure your comment is connected to your email address so that I can contact you! (If you have recently connected your blogger account to Google+ you’re probably now a no-reply blogger) if you’re not sure whether you’ve left your email just email me telling me you’ve entered the giveaway:
Entering is super easy. You need to leave a comment and click on this little button here letting me know! Once you’ve done that you can put in additional entries for a better chance of winning! Woo hoo! So get liking and sharing!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up with: The Best Blog Recipe’s, French Country Cottage, The Charm of Home, Someday Crafts

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

UnCommon Goods Wiener Dog Oil and Vinegar Bottles

Uncommon Goods Wiener Dogs Review 4
A little while ago I was contacted by Rocky from UnCommon Goods who asked me to do a review of one of their products. I got to choose anything I liked and boy was that insanely hard! I think I literally spent about 5 hours or more browsing through the online store. They have so many amazing things! You know when you see really innovative and inspiring products on Pinterest? This shop is full of that kind of stuff.
While browsing the site I got so many great present ideas. I’m the kind of person that likes one of a kind and unique gifts to give people, something special you know! This is definitely a shop I will be heading back to over and over!
Uncommon Goods Wiener Dogs Review 1
Ok enough of how awesome the store is, I think you get it now right? It’s AWESOME! After ages and ages of trying to find the perfect thing, I finally found these puppies! Aren’t they rad!? I love them.

They look totally cool on my shelf, on my table and they actually work really well too! Plus now I can buy my oil in bulk and save a heap! Win Win! Obviously we put some oil in the oil puppy and instead of vinegar Andi and I actually chose to put soy sauce in the other because we figured he’d get used a lot more that way. They’re working out great!
Uncommon Goods Wiener Dogs Review 2
I was thinking of showing you how awesome the shop is by including some more of their products in this post but I can’t bring myself to go back there just yet… not until I have some more money anyway because I will get stuck looking and wanting! But you should definitely stop over there because GUESS WHAT!? I will be hosting an UnCommon Goods Giveaway very shortly and you could win a voucher for their shop!!! So keep watching this space! P.S. The giveaway is open to everyone! Whether you’re in the U.S., U.K., Australia, wherever! You could win!