
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Happy Hello's this lovely sunny afternoon

This morning as I was contemplating what to write about next here in blogland all I could think of was showing all you lovely people my Nanna's lemon meringue pie recipe... which let me tell you, is fab-u-lous! Completely. Truly. However, I realised upon gathering up this idea that in order to get a photo of its greatness to convince you all how wonderful it really is.... that I would have to cook... and not be lazy. Sigh.

So instead of showing you all the best recipe in the world, I will showcase my lovely Nanna's talents in another way. By letting you see her sewing skills. 

When I was 19 we decided for my 21st birthday I would like a quilt. So we poured over many of her books and magazines and chose the absolute best quilt pattern known to man. After two years of waiting my "lazy cover" was finally complete! Talk about dedication to ones craft! And here it is:

By the way, I was playing the guitar and left it lying there before I took this snap... I swear I didn't intentionally put it there to make the photo prettier...lots of giggles.

This is another of her creations. It is completely enormous and hangs down the wall of the staircase. HUGE and super cute.

I'll leave you with one last snap of my kitten on the quilt... you know I have to. Any pictures of Duke must be uploaded!

Mummy loves you, Duke.


  1. I love your quilt. I have always had a thing for quilts, yours is beautiful.

    Also, love little Dukey boy.

    ~Meg @ "Through the Roses"

  2. Love the little kitty face. ;) My mom's cat could be his twin!!

    Thanks so much for the visit to my blog...glad you like the title. ;) Hope you'll swing by again sometime soon!

  3. Quilts are gorgeous and dear puss, but go bake that pie- I'm waiting for the recipe....mmmm Lemon Meringue pie... just delicious!

  4. Quilts are gorgeous and dear puss, but go bake that pie- I'm waiting for the recipe....mmmm Lemon Meringue pie... just delicious!

  5. i must stop commenting on your blog, but it's early morning here and the house is quiet before the bustle of kids waking up... so i'm sneaking a cup of coffee and admiring those amazing quilts. first of all, what a labour of love. i'm sure you cherish your grandma's quilt. i made each of my kids a quilt before they were born, and i know just how much work goes into them! the details are amazing. and any house with a quilt in it suddenly becomes a home... in my humble opinion ;)
    p.s. how can the pretty curves of a guitar not make any photo better? :)

  6. That quilt is gorgeous and what a wonderful keepsake! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Kirsty your quilt is beautiful. I love quilts and have several my Mom has made. They come with a lot of love sewn into them. I love your Duke!!

  8. What a pretty quilt! I wish I had the patience to piece like that. Thanks for your comment :)


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