
Friday, June 4, 2010


Welcome to my nesting blog!

This is my place to tell you all a little something of my ideas for my soon to be home! My style, my ideas, my thoughts, my projects, my way! And hopefully it can be a place to find inspiration off my readers too! 

As an introduction I had better tell you a little something about myself. My name is Kirsty, I love animals and the environment and some of this blog will hopefully represent that! I am very into classic literature and old books... ooo the smell and the knowledge that someone has been here before... this usually does not extend to library books. Not the libraries I visit anyway. They use plastic covers... Plearghk!

I love love love coastal style cottages, all things wood (eco-friendly of course!) and white wash! I just lurve all of Sarah's stuff over at Gorgeous! Check it out. It has served me with much inspiration! And she lives in my neck of the woods!

As a little something to show and properly introduce myself with to all you lovely people taking the time to read this (I do so hope with a coffee in hand) I present my bedside table:

 This lamp is one of my most favourite things! My darling man, Andi (check him out over at gave me! I had wanted one for ages! All stained glass with pretty dragonflies! Just like off Gilmore Girls... oh yeah I loove me some Gilmore! My photo, well no actually it's a postcard that I have framed that Andi sent me from Pari', my little Eiffel Tower there, very chic I know! A gorgeous little trinket box I was given when I was 13 by an old, dear friend and a couple of books I have on the go at the moment, Wuthering Heights and the Complete Plays of George Bernard Shaw.

And as you ponder over the many glorious things I have in my possession, I will leave you with the wise, wise words of  Mr. Bernard Shaw: "Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn! You bury it in the ground, and it explodes into an oak! Bury a sheep, and nothing happens but decay."


  1. Thanks for posting a "hello" on my blog! I love meeting new bloggers. I look forward to your future posts of fun! :)

  2. oooh a fresh new blog! welcome :) i like how you shared a cozy little nook from your home. looking forward to seeing more. i see you're on twitter, i'll add you in a minute. just wanted to thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving some love!

  3. It was fun to read this introduction and I love your bedside table. The lamp is wonderful (Gilmore Girls and Dragonflies are favorites of mine). Love your little Eiffel Tower, I have a little one my daughter brought me from her trip to France. Nice to meet you!

  4. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love all the paintings...that is one talent I always wish I had! What a beautiful view you will one day have. I'll be sure to check in often!
    ~ Kelli

  5. I love that you bought a lamp that reminded you of Gilmore Girls, that's always been one of my favorite shows, too. ;) I once had a cat that looked very much like your Duke, he also liked to clear a shelf or mantel just to watch things drop! lol
    Good luck on putting together your soon to be home!



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