
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crayfish Creek Landscape

So today I want you all to leave lots and lots of comments pleeease? Hello?.... to tell me what you all think! Some of you will have already read my post about my Crayfish Creek oil painting... I got many lovely comments telling me what I could do to improve it. A lot of you gave me the idea that I should make the water beneath the waves darker... and that is just what I did!

I also toned down the waves slightly and touched up a few pieces here and there. And of course the final touch was signing my name to it... which sadly... was the worst signing job I've ever done. Oh well!

The photographs of the painting have not come out as well as I would have liked. It's a very cold and rainy day here in Australia, well where I am it is... so the photos are much darker than last time.

If you would like to have a look at my last post about this painting you will see a more accurate colour and light. Crayfish Creek Landscape, a Walk and a Thank you!

You can also have a look at my other paintings by going to this post: Oil on Canvas.

I would love it if you could all take a minute to comment and tell me what you think... have I made it better or worse? I'd also love it if you would like to leave some thoughts and ideas about what I should paint next! Something in the same style? More landscapes as this was my first ever or should I change it up and go back to a graffiti or pop-art style? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts


  1. I think you did a lovely job, dear. I enjoy the different colors you've collided for the water and rocks. *clap* *clap* *clap* :)

    PS. I would love to see some of your graffiti style work.

  2. No! Don't ask for feedback! Your work is lovely and uniquely yours and I want it to stay that way!

    Really. It's a lovely piece. I love oceanscapes.

  3. Such lovely artwork without a doubt.

  4. Coming from a person that has a really difficult time painting, I think this looks really awesome. Are you a member of deviantart?

  5. Hey! Thanks for following me on Blog Frog.
    I'm no artist with oils but I think this is beautiful. I like this version and the one in the previous post. I understand the frustration of getting the right lighting to show the true colors. The new one you posted looks dark but I'm sure it's the raining day working against your camera. Cheers! Thanks again for the add. I'm your newest blog follower!
    Bunches of Bargains

  6. I dabble a little in painting, and I do mean dabble. I would love to be able to paint like this.

  7. Love it, Kirsty! Especially the color combinations you used...keep up the landscapes; you do a great job!

  8. I am amazed. I love how warm the last picture looks. The sky looks so colorful.

    Thank you for you nice comment on my blog by the way.

  9. Wonderful job. You are very talented!


  10. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier this week! Off to have a peek around your blog now!

  11. I really like your painting style ... it's so bold and wonderful. You have a good eye and your color choices are spot on.

    BTW ... my hubby is an artist and works in oils. If you have a minute, check out his site (and if you follow him, I'm sure he'll follow you back). Here's his site address:

    He's like you ... loves comments. :)

    I'm going to follow you! And thanks for following me in BlogFrog.

  12. Your landscapes are beautiful!
    Thanks for follwoing me on blogfrog!

  13. Thanks for following me on Blogfrog. As a fellow painter, I am excited to see more of your work.


I love you for commenting!