
Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend Planning and Dreaming

I had a gorgeous weekend with Andi! I hope you all had as wonderful a time as I did... or are even still having, as most of my readers live in the States! And because of this... for the first time in my life I am going to say... HAPPY 4th of JULY! ... *gasps* ooo that was weird... especially considering it's the 5th of July... that's right... in the real world it is!

Aside from absolutely freezing my butt off at Andi's gorgeous but poorly heated house I had a great time thinking up ideas for our to-be home.

According to the council our shed/garage has to be made up of the same stuff as the house. We're thinking of a 2 car garage with a little back room for Andi's stuff my painting studio hehe. Problem-solving in his sleep, Andi dreamed up a scheme, to get a frame from one of those big manly sheds and use timber (or whatever we decide to build the house with) to make the walls. Great idea right!

Anyway as it always goes, this plan will probably change about a billion times before we get around to doing anything. So this may or may not happen. But I just love being able to plan and decide everything for the place. I never once thought my first home with my guy would be one we planned ourselves.

These are just a couple of snaps I took on a little outing over the weekend. Cute, no?


  1. What a lovely weekend you had. And isn't planning fun? Changing your mind often is necessary till you get just what you want.

    Thanks for visiting me, nice to have another Aussie to read.

  2. Glad that you enjoyed your weekend!


  3. Thank you very much, I hope you had a nice Fourth too! ;) Planning your first home sounds like so much fun!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog and wishing me a happy 4th I see how that could be weird. Freezing your butt off!! I live in Orlando Florida.....Dying from the heat!!


  5. What pretty pictures! I always love to see ducks swimming in ponds, they are so cute! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog today. For some reason it is not showing up and I can't figure out why. I just wanted to say thank you, it's fun seeing new blogs, thanks again :)

  6. Congrats on the new home and Happy 4th of July! Cute photos!

  7. Kirsty dear, thank you for visiting with me! How nice to receive visitors from all over the world. You enjoyed yourself as well, I are setting up your nest, I see; we love our little home and we are adding on to it this summer. Talk about nesting, we are having a blast getting the final pieces of furniture to make our cottage an even more wonderful place to lay our heads.

    Do come by again! Anita

  8. Hi Kirsty! Thanks so much for stopping by and leading me back to your lovely blog! It sounds like you had a great weekend! Thanks again! New follower :)


  9. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Take your time and do things the way you have aways dreamed they should be. The wait is worth it. Thanks for visiting, hope you visit again soon.

  10. I lovely weekend for sure...happy 5th! The photos are fabulous...what a wonderful place.

  11. Hi Kristy! It's much better to do all your thinking and planning now, and take your time with it too, rather than make hasty decisions and have to change things up later. I speak from experience!...Your painting below is just lovely! ;) Paulette

  12. Those pics are gorgeous. It sounds like you had fun, I had a good 4th--thanks!

    ~Meg @ "Through the Roses"

  13. It's wonderful to dream and plan. Wishing you the best for all your dreams to come true.


  14. Fabulous views from there, hope your weekend is spectacular and all your plans come together.


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