
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sk8er Boi

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A week or so ago Andi and I took off to our land and found a nice quiet subdivision to skate in. Well… okay, for me to watch and Andi to skate. I did have one little go but I’m a big fat chicken. “Don’t let go okay!!?… Okay!!!?… Hello…?”

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After that I stood around and took about a billion pictures. Of course Andi thought I would be bored out of my mind but I had so much fun!

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I was a kid again. “OMG he’s so HAWT… did he just look at me!!!? OMG OMG OMG” and all that. hahaha

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Gorgeous isn’t he?
For your own personal safety… do not answer that question. It won’t go in your favour whichever way you answer. Thank you for your cooperation.

linking up with: Twisted Fate Photography


  1. Okay, I will withhold comment on his looks, but I do remember a time when I could successfully stand up on one of those things! Please, do link to my blog. I am getting ready to redo the appearance of mine and will add yours, if it is not already added. Have a good one, my friend,


  2. Hi Kirsty, I'm Faith, new to your blog, Your pictures are great.

  3. Hello Kristy, Thank you so much for following Lesapea Community on Blogfrog. I'm very impressed by your blog any tips would be welcome.
    Lisa xx

  4. Great pics. Looks like a fun time. I too would be too scared!

  5. Hey, it's cool if you can keep your balance and not break something on one of those things! ;)

  6. Beautiful shots!, I love the trees and the openness of them all! :)

  7. I love the composition of all your shots.

  8. Hey that looks liek way too much fun!
    Im here from Twisted fate photograhy on the street challenge. I lvoe the photo shots of the skate boarding down the street. Great!\Blessings

  9. So rad! Great photos! Looks like a lot of fun!

    Thank you for linking up! :)

  10. Kirsty~ Your photos are fantastic! Had to check this Sk8er boi post out.. I have one of my own, but he's only 10... ;) I stay off his board so I don't get hurt.

    Love to get another glimpse into what is going on in the land down under! :)
    Before I forget~
    Thanks for joining my little blog frog pad...


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