
Friday, September 10, 2010

Spring Fling

Picture 619
Spring is finally coming about and with it so are the flowers!!! Yes, yes yes, so excited! Oh, how I have missed you, my lovelies! Any one know what flower this is that I picked because I sure don’t.
Who I do know however, is that little piggy next to him. His name is Muffin. He doesn’t photograph that well (sorry Muffin) because he’s Swarovski crystal and as such is see-through. He is one of my many, many pigs. I collect them you see. When I first started talking to Andi, neither of us believed each other when we said we collected pigs. Because you see, Andi collects pigs too. And that was when we knew it was true love. Hahaha

Anyway back to the subject! Spring, Spring, Spring! To celebrate the coming of the beautiful warmth that is Spring, I went on a little adventure through my local Nature Reserve. I’d never gone as far as I did this time so it was scary! I’m one of those people that find it hard to navigate around a 1m squared room… and the amount of crossroads I came across was a bit scary. But walking around in circles in this place would have sent me home anyway… it isn’t the biggest place.

IMGP0017blog See my Poe Crow?
I wonder if he has been following me… see my last Poe Crow here: A Very Poe Post tell me, do you think they look the same or is it just my imagination?

The Nature Reserve is a little habitat to protect the Eastern Barred Bandicoot who are loosing the battle on the mainland. However I say there isn’t enough room or food for them in the Reserve because I often see them wandering the streets.

These are some photos of the views from the Reserve. I thought this white sail boat looked very splendid by itself amongst all that blue. Unfortunately I didn’t catch any bandicoots this time (by catch I mean photograph).

IMGP0020blog   Disclaimer:
No animals were harmed in the making of this post. Kirsty Girl © does not recommend catching bandicoots.

Linking up with Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, and Skywatch Friday 


  1. SPRING?! Ahhh, you lucky, lucky lady!

    Fall is just now starting to set in here....dreading winter. Spring is the best season of the year :-)

    Beautiful photos!

  2. Hi Kirsty, Obviously, we live in different parts of the world--we are getting ready for/looking forward to autumn! Neat blog.

    Warmly, Michelle

  3. Love how you do the corners of your shots Kirsty! Really sets them apart :-) Also my fave pic is the one of the bridge through the trees :-) Hope it is warming up down there! Pretty average, windy and rainy here atm, but that's ok :) Looking forward to getting down there in Oct :)

  4. Good morning Kristy, I shall I say, good evening.....I am on the other side of your world!!! THANK YOU FOR VISITING ME, and for liking my drawing!!!

    Have a great day! Anita

  5. Good morning! Enjoy the arrival of spring and your weekend!


  6. LOVE these pics! How great you get to expereince spring! Found you through MMB :)

  7. I am up North and like you the flowers are just gorgeous.lots of water coming down the Gorge and the tanks filled to the top.. All i can say now is Come on summer, we're waiting for you :))
    PS is your flower a Camelia??

  8. IM SO JEALOUS RIGHT NOW! I love the spring!! Here in texas we are just not getting into the it'll make a big difference IT'S ALWAYS HOT AS HELL HERE!!

  9. I think I'm looking forward to the end of summer just as much as you are looking forward to the end of winter. Summer (and most of spring and fall) in Las Vegas is too hot for my liking!

    Gorgeous pictures - I've always wanted to visit your end of the planet, but in the meantime I'll enjoy the pictures.

  10. Even though I *know* it's the opposite season there, I still find it fascinating that it's spring there and fall here. Enjoy the newness of spring. I love that. I'm looking forward to the cooling off here with fall. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  11. Spring. How cool! It's finally Autumn here and I'm enjoying the crisp cool air.

    Beautiful pictures, by the way. Very beautiful!


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