
Friday, October 1, 2010

{How To} Blog Buttons

If you’re like me, then you’re slow to get around to making a blog button for yourself. Well, I finally got around to it yesterday and I am proud to introduce the Kirsty Girl blog button! *cheers*

Kirsty Girl 
So last night as I was trolling the internet trying to find an easy solution to my “Blog without a blog button” dilemma, I came across many, many posts about how to make your own blog button. Of course I already know how to write “Kirsty Girl” over a picture and to make my picture little enough, what I was having trouble with was the little “grab it” scrolly box underneath. All of the blogs I came across with the relevant tutorials were very long-winded and confusing. So I am going to show you how to make one, easily and simply.
  • First of all you need to make a picture 125 pixels by 125 pixels. Okay, so mine was actually 125 by 126… so if you’re a little off, don’t worry.
  • Secondly you need to upload your picture to somewhere you can get the URL for it, such as photobucket or imageshack (which is what I use).
  • Then you go to “Design” in your Blogger Dashboard, click on “Add a Gadget” in your sidebar or wherever you want to show your pretty little button and find the “Configure HTML/Javascript” gadget.
  • Now it’s time to copy and paste my code:
<div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Kirsty Girl" src="" /></a>  </div> <div align="center"> <form><textarea rows="6" cols="20"><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Kirsty Girl" src="" /></a></textarea></form>  </div>
  • Now each time it says “” I want you to erase and put in your own page address.
  • And where it says “…” you need to put in your own pictures URL from the host that you uploaded your picture to.
  • Where it says “Kirsty Girl” you can type in the name of your own blog or alternatively something like Grab My Button. It really doesn’t matter.
  • Now simply type in the Title of your choice above and click Save, and of course “Save” again when you’re in the Page Elements window.
  • And there you have it. Your very own Blog Button!
I hope this helps some of you, or you are inspired to create your own blog button if you haven’t already done so! Please feel free if you have any problems doing so to comment and I will get back to you. 

If you’re so inclined, please grab my blog button yourself. I’d be ever so grateful! 

linking up with:
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Serenity Now
and the awesome LambAround


  1. I've been trying to figure this out for ages! Thanks so much for posting this.

  2. Your button looks great! And your directions seem pretty easy, I've got to try this.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Humm still sounds confusing LOL. Not because of you but because I get my daughter to do techie things for me.
    Your button turned out wonderfully.

  4. Thanks for these directions. I've always wondered how to create a button. Have something fun planned for the weekend, I hope?


  5. Same here...I have been trying to figure this out for a while and haven't had time to really research it! Thanks for sharing. I added your button to my linky love on my blog!

    Thanks for stopping by the other day. As a newbie I really appreciate the support!

  6. Cute button! Yep, sometimes those tutorials are awfully long-winded! XX!

  7. Thanks so much for these very simple instructions! Now I can have a button on my space too :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I am a happy new follower from the Lady Blogger Tea Party.
    Living Out Loud

  9. It works! Thank you! This has stumped me for a long time.
    I am a happy new follower from the Lady Blogger Tea Party.
    Living Out Loud

  10. cong on your button. i haven't even tried this, may one day. take care. rose

  11. Thanks for these instructions. I will say thanks by putting your blog button on my blog!

  12. THANK YOU! I made a button months ago and have been trying to figure out how to do it again. It's surprisingly difficult to find tutorials for this.
    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround :)

  13. Hey Kristy! I just noticed you following me on blogfrog! I am checking out your blog and found out you are a vegan!I tried veganism for about 4 months and am seriously thinking of going back.
    I am your follower too!

  14. Hi there! Nice tutorial. :) I am AWFUL at making blog buttons...I can do the codes, but actually struggle with making it look cute. ;) Thank you so much for linking up with my party!

  15. great post on the buttons. I find that with many blogging features it takes a while to figure it out, then once you get it - it's all good!

  16. great post on the buttons. I find that with many blogging features it takes a while to figure it out, then once you get it - it's all good!

  17. I've been trying to find the time to make one for my blog. Thanks for the instructions! :)

  18. Thanks for the tutorial - I'm off to try and create my own. Well, maybe later, after the kids go to bed, and dinner is over, and the kitchen is cleaned, and, and, and ..... Well, someday I'll make a blog button!

  19. Thanks for the tutorial... I've been wanting to make a button for awhile...I'll give it a go tonight.

  20. i have had my buttons for a while. I resize them in picasa to 125x125 but they always turn out bigger. Any ideas?

  21. woohoo, I have a blog button now! Someone else once had shown how to do this, and I still could not get it right. It took about 5 mins with your instructions and worked first time no problems yay!

  22. THANK YOU THANK YOU THAAAAANK YOU!!!! I have been trying so hard to figure out how to do this and your blog made it sooo easy! If I could reach inside here and give you a cyber hug I would! :) Hope you have a BLESSED night and thank you again <3

  23. Thanks for the info! I don't have a button yet, and am going to try it now...
    Have a great weekend.

  24. Thank you!! I agree, most tutorials seem so complicated. I am looking forward to giving this a try.

  25. Thanks for posting this - off to try it on my blog...

  26. Awesome tutorial Girl! I'm sharing your link with my girlfriends!!


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