
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spring Festival

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Lately the blogosphere has been a buzz with Autumn decorations, Halloween costumes, Fall wreaths and Pumpkin Carving. Today… here at Kirsty Girl… I offer you… none of that!

Last weekend, Andi and I attended the annual Spring Festival at the Botanical Gardens. It was the perfect time as it had only just turned warm and bright that weekend.

Usually this festival is called the Tulip Festival, however on our arrival we were informed that it could no longer be called the Tulip Festival because the gardens could not guarantee tulips due to our ever changing climate. There were many beautiful flowers out but I must say the tulips were definitely not at their best this year.

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There was a lot to see and do at the gardens. Obviously aside from the usual prettiness the gardens have to offer, there were bands, rides and activities for the kids and lots and lots of food. Of course I just got a Co-Cola. Mmmm….

Anyway, the above band was definitely my favourite, afterwards we sat and watched a keyboardist/harmonist and tap dancer perform some Michael Jackson. They were… different. Haha

Picture 038blog1Happy Spring Everybody!”


  1. Ohhh! thanks for something different, seriously ;)

  2. It seemed like you guys had fun there. Always good to getaway for a little bit.

  3. Looks like a lovely way to spend a day. I love this time of year as everything in the garden starts to grow and I feel more motivated to exercise!

  4. looks like a beautiful place to visit. i think it's great that bands are at this events, adds to them being more alive. have a good day. rose

  5. Happy Spring...looks like fun. Thanks for letting us share your Spring!

  6. I have to get there. Its looks so pretty. I bet it was relaxing.


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