
Friday, October 22, 2010

Whimsy & Parties?

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How welcoming is that? These are (yes, I know, again!) a few photos I took at the Botanical Gardens. I love the place as you have probably noticed!

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These photos make me think so much of the Secret Garden with all its archways and nooks. I love it! At the Festival there was a white rabbit, the Queen of Hearts and all so it even more so has such a whimsical effect.

In other news as I have almost reached the 200 followers mark, I have been wondering whether or not to start a blog party here at Kirsty Girl. I would really appreciate your comments on this. It just seems like such a great way to get to know all your blogs and for everyone to mingle. Which is one of the great things about blogging. Of course the biggest benefit to you would be getting some traffic! If all goes well I may showcase my favourites too.

Let me know your thoughts.
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Linking up with Chic on a Shoestring Decorating & the lovely Holly at 504 Main. + I was featured there today for my Blog Button How To, post. =D

Now linking up with LambAround and Serenity Now.


  1. everything is so nice and green. It looks beautiful. It's just starting to turn here. Which is my favorite. I love the collection of colors found in the tree lines.

  2. beautiful photos. gardens such as this have this inviting spell. i don't have any sugg. re a blog party. i tend not to do them.

  3. very cool photos!!! thanks for following me in blogfrog..keep in touch!follow me in google and will do the same (^__^)

  4. Oh, so gorgeous, love the purples! Blog parties are fun! XX!

  5. I love botanical gardens too! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  6. I love botanical gardens too. Thanks so much for stopping by. It's nice to meet you.
    I usually don't do blog parties
    but many people do. Good luck.

  7. Very inviting indeed. I always plan to go the Botanical garden and read but someone it hasn't happened yet! Gorgeous pictures!

  8. Hi Kirsty,

    It was lovely to discover your blog and meet you and many thanks for visiting me.
    The gardens look wonderful and yes, would be nice to sit on the bench.
    Also love the arch to the secret garden, so enchanting.

    Happy Monday

  9. Gorgeous photos!!! I love garden scenes. :)

  10. These are beautiful photos. Thank you for your lovely comment today. I say yes for a blog party!:-)

  11. Thanks for stopping by! I love to visit new places :) I love to hang out in archways and nooks!! XO

  12. love the photo's...visiting from blogfrog. I invite you to visit my blog @ ...take care, Amy

  13. always reminds me of the Secret Garden too :-) Great shots Kirsty :)

  14. I'd like to be there is gorgeous! We used to go to botanical gardens all the we live near none! You should try a blog party!

  15. Looks just gorgeous!!!
    I'm having such fun reading through your posts :)
    Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment
    Your new friend,

  16. The botanical gardens are the places we always seek out on vacations. This looks like a fun one! So far, our favorites have been in Seattle and in Hawaii, though I don't remember which island.

  17. Beautiful pictures! Congrats on your almost 200 followers.a blog party would be nice.


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