
Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Christmas Cat in a Hat

Christmas Cat #1
While doing some much needed Christmas shopping, I came across Christmas hats! Not only did I find a couple for Andi and I but I found a tiny little Santa hat for Duke! YAY!

I don’t think he likes it very much. It also came with a matching scarf, how cute. There he is ^ trying to rip it off! Poor dear. As I am very much in a Christmas-y kind of mood, I thought I’d share a couple of snaps with you. Enjoy them, I do!

Christmas Cat #2
Merry Christmas!


  1. Very cute and funny.

  2. Very funny and cute.

  3. Very funny and cute.

  4. Poor Duke! He may look cute in the red hat, but can't you see that he's embarrassed? :) He's thinking, you can keep this red hat!
    All joking aside, this post is adorable and charming. I personally love the red hat on Duke.

  5. Hi Kristy,
    I came by from Blog Frog and I followed you over. Come follow me back to The Country Cottage. You have a great week!

  6. Oh wat a lovely cat! Ofcourse he do not like a hat and scarf, but teasing him a little bit is also fun...

    Greetings from Holland!


  7. love it:) we miss our kitties! thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays! Now where's your hats:)

  8. Oh how adorable! Thank you for stopping by. I just became your newest follower and will back to say hello:)
    capers of the vintage vixens

  9. so kirsty you are my new blog friend<>><<>from your 300 followers i see you are very friendly<><><>well so am i although i don't have as many as you<><><>i love critters also<><><>i like country music like waylon and willie and chris and johnny, but i am to old for punk><<>><see ya soon kid

  10. Thanks for becoming my friend on blog frog! I'm excited to get to know you!

  11. Very funny and cute! I was just looking at cat and dog Santa hats at Target yesterday... almost bought one.
    Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season so far!
    ~ Jo :)

  12. He looks so cute in his Santa hat. I just bought some reindeer ears for our puppy and he's not impressed,lol.

  13. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :)
    Yes, I am "consistently" nice to my daughter, but she's 16 and can't tell the difference. I'm convinced that one day, she will.
    Take care and God Bless!

  14. your cat looks happy in his hat...that would make a great xmas card..!

  15. Hi Kirsty,thanks for the follow on the blog frog and sorry about the misunderstanding,my blog is back up and running now.
    P.S. Love the cat in the hat!!

  16. Too cute! Sorry I have been missing your posts recently - blogger RSS can do some strange things at times!


  17. Hi! I was reading comments on LBS site and ended up here where I fell in love with your cat. How adorable.
    I have added myself as your newest follower on GFC .
    I'm off to browse around your blog now. Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted welcome you. I am a vision of the future!
    Warmest wishes
    Carol from

  18. If that's not the most adorable thing! Though the poor cat is probably thinking "this is such an insult to my cat-pride..."

    stopping in from blogfrog. thanks for the add. :-)

  19. Too cute! Our kitties have been taking ornaments off the tree! XX!

  20. Hi Kirsty,
    It's SaucyB and i'm stopping over from Lady Blogger's Tea Party today.
    I can definitely appreciate having a little fun with dressing up the cat. I "exploit" our kitty for laughs ever Monday in a series I call Make Me Laugh Monday. This was the most recent.

  21. Very cute. Reminds me that I have neglected my quest for another cat. I love their independence. Thanks for the smiles. I'm from LBS btw....

  22. Cute! I would sleep with one eye open though...he doesn't look to happy.LOL

    Hopping over from Lady Bloggers:)

  23. Cute cute cute. I loved it. I also have a black cat, and I think he just ran out, after reading my mind \o/ no way, I will copy you, copycat! Just looking for the right size hat right now LOL.

  24. What a nice kitty to pose for you - Ha! We always try antlers on our dog...never works.


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