
Friday, December 17, 2010

A Quay Thank You

Quay Boats #1
These are just a few photos I took recently from the Quay. Hope you enjoy them! I love how blue they are. I love taking photo’s of boats too. Very serene, even if that’s not the way I would feel if I were on one. Hehe
Quay Boats #2
Well yesterday, I really learnt the value of a few wonderful comments vs. many nice comments. Of course, many wonderful comments is always best but from my Photographing Paintings post I got a couple of comments, which led to conversations, which led to “You should sell your paintings!”
I would be lying if I said I had never thought about the idea of making money off a hobby. I think anyone to say that would be lying. It would be a dream come true, right? But I had never thought about it in terms of “could I actually be good enough for people to WANT to buy them?” No, absolutely not.

But I would like to give a big THANK YOU to Holly at 504 Main, and Allenaim Photography for their amazing votes of confidence and their kind words.
Quay Boats #3
Quay Boats #4
Thank you and Merry Christmas!


  1. Your photos really are amazing!


  2. Thanks for the linky :) You ARE good enough :) :) :)

  3. Thank you. You have a true talent and such a style. I hope to buy one of your paintings soon!

  4. Love the pictures, the blue is so pretty. Looks like a beautiful place to live.

  5. I like your photographs and your paintings Kirsty!


I love you for commenting!