
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Penitentiary {Port Arthur}

Andi and I recently visited the Port Arthur historic site. Unfortunately I was unable to take any photographs my self as the TWO camera’s I had brought with me were already used up by the time we arrived.

As most of my gorgeous followers are American, I assume you have never been to Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) and have not heard of Port Arthur. I won’t go into the history too much as it’s deep and disturbing, the grounds however are (now) beautiful and wonderful to visit.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #29
Penitentiary Port Arthur #25
These photos were taken on Andi’s mobile phone. I had a great time going through them all yesterday and  doing them up just that little bit, for more contrast and colour.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #17
These pictures are all of the Port Arthur, Penitentiary, which housed over 480 convicts. If you don’t know anything about Australian history, after the American’s decided to stop being a prison for the British, they came here instead. Tasmania (or Van Diemen’s Land, as it was then known) was for the worst of them.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #20
The building was constructed in 1843 as a flour mill and was later converted into the Penitentiary in 1857. Gutted by fire in 1897 it now lay in ruins. If you’re at all intrigued here’s the website.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #23

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage, 504 Main and Serenity Now.  


  1. WOW! Those are some great shots with the phone. Im sure the history was amazing but very dark as mentioned. I love history. Thank you for sharing. Blessings

  2. These are fantastic photos. Looks like this was full of all kinds of history. Really like your site and now I'm following it!

  3. Featured your post today. :) I hope to have an "I've Been Featured" button soon! I loved the photos, and I can't wait to click over to read more about the history!

  4. Great pictures! It amazes me that pictures of this quality can be taken with a mobile phone. Isn't technology wonderful?

  5. can't wait for my 1st term holiday on the 18th. I really need a vacation and explore new places

  6. These buildings are just so incredible! The pictures are great!


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