
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2nd Kirsty Girl Linky & Smith O’Briens Cottage {Port Arthur}

Smith OBrien's Cottage Port Arthur #47
Once again this is from my series of photos from Port Arthur. This is a photo looking out of Smith O’Briens Cottage. Smith was born to Sir Edward O’Brien the 4th Baronet of Dromoland Castle. He received an upper class education in Cambridge, England.

As leader of the Young Ireland movement Smith was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. However, a partition for his release was signed by 70,000 Irishmen and 10,000 Englishmen. Thus resulting in transportation for life in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania).

Upon Sighting Maria Island (just off Tasmania) “To find a gaol in one of the loveliest spots formed by Nature in one of her loneliest solitudes creates a revulsion of feeling I cannot describe.” – November 1849.

Smith OBrien's Cottage Port Arthur #27
These two shots are of the incredible skylight in one of the cottages in Port Arthur. I tried to figure it out from the map but I am unsure just whereabouts we took these ones. They could very well be from Smith’s Cottage. If anyone can help, let me know!

If you’re interested and you haven’t viewed them yet, or would like to see them again! Here are my series of Port Arthur posts:
Smith OBrien's Cottage Port Arthur #28
Now! Time for the my 2nd linky party! Are you all excited? I am.  I would love more people to join up and just a note: please, please, please link your post back to me! Last time I had less people link back than people who didn’t! Such a crime, people. A crime! hehe

The only rules I have as to the contents of your post; let it be clean and vegan (meaning absolutely NO hunting, recipe’s with animal content or fur). That’s right I want my party to be absolutely cruelty-free! 
Of course you do not HAVE to visit others, I know we all lead ridiculously busy lives, but I give you my permission to take a break, get yourself a coffee (non-dairy obviously) and sit yourself down to enjoy the linky love!

Just a few notes:
Please link to the url of the post you want, not just your blog.
Please link back to me!
Please follow or subscribe (this is not a requirement but I would love it and it would make it easier for you to come back and link up again!)
By linking up you are permitting me to feature your blog
Please no spam or rebelling against the rules, I have the right to remove your link.

Please grab my NEW! button to put with the post you’re linking up! You can grab my NEW linky party button here (just copy the code) or grab my NEW blog button from my sidebar (up top)! Isn’t it cute?

Kirsty Girl  


  1. Oh wow! What fantastic pictures and a good history lesson. :) I found you on Lady Bloggers and I am also your newest follower.

    Great blog you have here.

  2. You always have such lovely posts with such interesting history! Happy Monday!

  3. Hi there! Thanks for following me over at MckMama's blogfrog community! I look forward to reading along with your posts!

    Missy (MomZookeeper)

  4. You take such amazing photos...juts gorgeous.

  5. I love history! The name Smith O'Brien rings a bell...I think I must have read some historical fiction not too long ago in which he was featured. :)

  6. Stunning photos, Kirsty! The top one especially is just so inviting! And thanks for hosting your wonderful cruelty-free link-up! Deb @

  7. Hello! Thank you for stopping by! Have a great day! Vanessa

  8. Hey Kirsty, thanks for bffing me on Blog Frog, I'm still new to BF so bear with me! Loving your photography!!!

  9. What a beautiful blog you have here! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comment!

  10. Hi Kirsty ~
    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. Yours is great ~ loved your story. Wishing you a fun "linky party" this week.


  11. That is such an interesting post and I love those photos. Enjoy your day

    Ps: I’m hosting a cool Loop GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in:)

  12. Beautiful photo's! The one's with the daylight shining through the small roof are gorgeous. And so does the sight of Part Arthur on their website:)

  13. Hi Kirsty, thanks for the nice comments. So glad you like my Port Arthur pics. You were the one who inspired my post. I forgot I had these photos until I saw yours! Such a beautiful place, would love to go back again with the family next time and maybe get those ghost shots!
    x Marnie
    ps: the kitten on your button is so cute

  14. HI Kirsty Thanks for visiting today. How are you?

    When I said in today's post that everyone had made me feel so welcome, I put you at the top of that list. Thanks for everything

    Best wishes


I love you for commenting!