Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kirsty Girl Features: Stamping Still & Desire Empire

I have been nominated for my first ever blog award!

By none other than my gorgeous Mummy! Yay! Thanks Mum. Haha. Apparently now I have to tell you 8 things about myself that you might not know. Scary!

1.  When I was a little girl I was obsessed with witches!

2.  Now that I’m a big girl I love mermaids!

3.  Cookie and Chicken, my two wonderful little sisters, are my best girlfriends.

4.  I taught my Mummy how to blog.

5.  For my birthday I am getting a mandolin off the beautiful Andi!

6.  Over the course of a very long time I plan to be able to skateboard and surf.

7.  Even though I want to, I know deep down I wouldn’t make a good mermaid because though I adore them, fish scare me.

8.  The average age people assume I am is 16.

Yay! All finished!

Now I have to nominate 8 bloggers to pass this lovely blog award to! So I nominate those who joined my first ever linky party! Which you can still link up to here.  Thank you! You’re all so very Stylish. I’ve also nominated a couple of favs!

CeCe's 20's Life
A Perfect Dose of Life
Journey Keeper
Beader Bubbe
Trails Net
Desire Empire
I'm Downtown
Proper Prim

Now on to the features!

Stamping Still

Stamping Still is my lovely Mummy’s blog! You should all go and check it out. She’s very crafty and talented at what she does. Here are some of her wonderful crafts:

Click on the pictures if you would like to see the post they were in.

Picture 158_thumb[3]

Aren’t they gorgeous? Aside from just showcasing her cards, she also offers tutorials on different techniques and crafts. She is a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and loves her job.

If you get a chance please stop over and say hello at Stamping Still. You’ll be glad you did.

Desire Empire

For my next feature, I literally found this blog just this morning, as I was lucky enough for her to join my linky party, which is still open for entries here

Desire Empire, from Sydney, Australia, has been around for only 7 days! I’m so happy that I get to jump on the band wagon of this blog so early in it’s life! This blog is definitely destined to become a Queen in the blogging world. Go check it out!

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I think this picture sums up my love for this blog perfectly! The gorgeous white jug, the vintage Coca-Cola tray and the hanging surf board, what more could you want?

Please join my linky party while it’s still open! You may be my next feature!

Linking up with: 504 MainChic on a Shoestring, LambAround and Serenity Now.


  1. Thank you for the award! I'm adding you to today's post from earlier! Your mom's cards are GORGEOUS! I am going over to check out her blog right now!! Have a fabulous night!

  2. Hey Kirsty
    I'm getting so much lovin' out of this blog. But I would have to say yours is the sweetest I have had. Thanks for being such a great supporter. By the way, if I do make it to Queen status, in my own lunch time anyway, I want you as my number one Lady in Waiting.

    Best wishes for a great and successful linky party

    Carolyn DE

  3. Wow!! Congratulations on your Stylish Blogger Award!! You definitely deserve it.
    Thanks also for the nomination.
    By the way, your mom's blog is great. You must be a good blog teacher and are definitely a superb daughter.

  4. I want to be a mermaid!

    What beautiful creations from your mum! They are just gorgeous.

    I must check out Desire Empire too...and your linky party!

  5. Congrats on your award:) Your moms cards and blog look so lovely!

  6. hi there, it's so weird to think that there's autumn on the way on the opposit side of the world, when the freezing cold crazy winter is about to finally let go up here. :) thank you for your comment!

  7. Yay! Congrats on you award and this is such a great post:) I also adore mermaids!
    Happy Thursday

  8. Congratulations on your Stylish Blogger Award Kirsty!! Blogging is so rewarding - isn't it?

    Rambles with Reese

  9. Thanks for the award! It's my first blogging award too! I have a question about the linking party, but I'll ask it on the forum so every one can see the answer in case they're wondering too.

  10. Thank you for the award. Much appreciated, especially since it is my FIRST ONE EVER. First linky party, first award... Man! I am on a role

  11. Congrats on your award, Kirsty! You deserve it! It was fun learning more about you!
    Have a great day! :)
    ~ Jo

  12. Oh and I grabbed your lovely button as promised!

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the link to design empire- great to see some Australian talent!

  14. Thanks for visiting my blog! going to look around more at your blog now. :-)

  15. Congratulations on your Stylish Blogger Award!

    I received it a few weeks ago and had great fun posting my list........

    They make for interesting reading, don't they?!?

  16. Great blog !!!..looks clean n neat ..i followed u ..

  17. thanks for visiting me on my blog! Yours is great and I've enjoyed it very much.

  18. Kristy, You got a wonderful blog. Hope I will visit here frequently.

  19. Congrats on your award and your mums cards are lovely

  20. Congrats on the award, how great! I checked out your mum's blog, it's really good, love all of her creations!

  21. I always wanted to be a mermaid too...but I am terrified of sharks. I remember playing "Ariel" at the pool! :)

    Your mom is so talented!!!! Love the photos of her work. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  22. Hello!
    Congratualations on your award!
    I just took a look at your mom's blog and her cards are so beautiful.
    Take care!

  23. I have paid a visit to all the sites you nominated, and I must say you have an excellent selection, even if the only criteria for being nominated was participating in your linky party.
    Thanks for the nominations, once again. I have nominated my 8 and hope you will have the time to peruse them.

    ALSO: just and added thank you for the nomination and the linky party. It was a couple of things together, which includes you, that gained me more than 10 followers this past week. I have struggled just to get into double digits for 2.5 years, so I really appreciate your effort in this.

    Much love,

  24. That's so lovely that you helped your Mum with setting up her own blog. It's funny to think of my girls helping me with things when they're all grown up!!

    Congratualtions on your award!


  25. Congratulations to you, too! Well deserved!

    Is that your cat on your button? So adorable.

  26. The kitty button is just precious, I have two kitties of my own.
    Your mum's cards are just gorgeous, I am heading over to check out her blog!

  27. Congratulations!! I love the layout to your blog.

  28. Congratulations on your award! I love looking at your beautiful photography.

    And your mum's designs are precious :)


I love you for commenting!