
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Holga Homes


Yesterday I finally got to see how my latest roll of film turned out and I am super happy! There are a couple less than awesome shots but most turned out much better than anticipated. Woo!


These shots are all homes from one suburb in Tasmania, Australia. Usually with my photos I play around with them in Gimp (basically a free Photoshop) but I couldn’t do that to film photos. They have more than enough character and vintage appeal as is.


When I saw this “perfect” white picket-fence I had to take a photo.. as I walked past afterwards I realised that on every single post of the fence someone has tagged it with graffiti. What a complete ars*hole! Beautifully done graffiti art, posted on the bare back walls of massive buildings in town is one thing, but tagging white picket-fences in suburban streets is another!


linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. Cute photos. I like them. Very cool!

  2. i loved them and i love the homes aswell great choices!

  3. that is so cool. i want a holga 135 so hardcore.

  4. Pretty little cottages. Funny how you can't photoshop film. Hey I don't know how to photoshop digital but I am going to get over to gimp and have a go.

    Best Carolyn

  5. The cottages look adorable. Loving the vintage look of these photo's:)

  6. There aren't any places like this in Albuquerque. Well, maybe with the exception of a few run down picket fences in bad neighborhoods. Not quite the same.

    I feel so mean after reading your comment about my dress giveaway! Sadly, no, it's not open to Australia. To be fair, it seems like all these giveaways could offer the prize to everyone and just have a disclaimer that if you win but aren't in the US, you just have to pay the difference in shipping. How much can it cost to mail a flimsy dress, right? They could probably just stuff it into an envelope with a couple stamps :p

  7. These are such cute little houses!! I love the white picket fence, so classic.

  8. Those photos are so beautiful:) Wish you a sunny Thursday, my dear

  9. Very lovely photos! I always enjoy coming by your blog~!

  10. I love these photos - a great mood in them! :-)

    I totally agree about the graffitti - such things really tick me off!

  11. How rude that poor picket fence is so lovely too. I agree graffiti on walls is great but not on a pretty fence

    Write it in Lipstick

  12. I'm with Melissa...what a lovely fence! These photos are so charming!

  13. Love the pictures, look like they came out great. Way to go.

  14. oh beautiful photos :) Have a great weekend!

  15. These are great vintage-looking shots! The only way I get effects like that is by using Hipstamatic!

  16. What cute little cottages. I love the photo of the fence, too bad about the graffiti!

  17. Your photos are beautiful and I love the fence. I agree that really stinks that someone would do that.

  18. Really wonderful photos ~ you're VERY talented. I'm a new follower from BC's Good Life Wednesday. Hope you'll come visit sometime:

  19. Love your pics, they have that vintage appeal to them! Glad you added your link to the party, thanks for joining in at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  20. These are such beautiful shots, and in truth, I did not even notice the graffiti until you mentioned it. And how small is this world truly, that as I was looking through the shots, not only did they remind me of my childhood, but for a moment I also imagined they were from a small town in South Africa.


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