
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Duke’s Knitted Mouse

Duke knitted mouse #1
I little while ago now, I knitted my sweet kitten a little mousey to play with! I just knitted a square and thread the ends together. I put catnip inside and gave it some whiskers, button eyes, and a really long tail so that I wouldn’t be killed while I played with him.

duke knitted mouse #3
duke knitted mouse #4
Of course Mr. Mousey is a little worse for wear now but I got some nice pictures from their meet. I love how green the paint has come out in these photo’s. The sunroom looks so country and sweet.

Duke knitted mouse #2


  1. He looks like he is having a wonderful time. Love the way cats can be so playful!

  2. Duke is adorable. I don't give Jeffrey catnip. To be honest I'm not really sure what it is. But he'd love to play with the mouse with or without catnip!

  3. i love your cat! the first photo is a great action shot.
    cheryl x

  4. I love watching my fur baby go crazy over catnip. It's hysterical!

  5. What a sweet little mouse for a sweet little kitten!! I love your photos and I love watching cats play, especially when catnip is involved. Mine go CRAZY!! :)

  6. That's too cute. What an amazing reach your cat has (not that I know much about cats mind you - I only have a Yorkie).

  7. Oh goodness - that is so cute. What a sweet kitty :O)

    Happy BC Good Life Wednesday, Kirsty :O)

  8. I want your cat! Lol. Love the photos. (:

  9. The first photo is timed so well, great shot! And what a sweet mouse you knitted him;)

  10. Really cute cat! and he is so lively. Thanks for joining the party at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.


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