
Thursday, June 23, 2011

{Holga} Forgotten Beach Shot

Holga Beach #1
I found this photo I took while going through some old files and wondered why I hadn’t shown you yet. Either I didn’t like it at the time or I’d forgotten about it but either way I’m liking it now!

If you want to delve back with me into the other beach photos that belong with this guy, here are the posts:
Also you should totally join my linky party… it’s looking a bit sad at the moment! Here’s the link: Kirsty & Friends Linky Party! If you don’t get around to it this week, you can always come back and link up next Tuesday, as I will have them once a week from now on! Yay!

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. It is beautiful Kirsty! I love all the texture going on.

  2. Hi Kirsty, very cool image. The beach is a perfect subject for Holga, isn't it? Happy weekend! – g

  3. Love the image! Heading over to the linky party and will advertise shortly as well.

  4. Its a great shot. Thanks for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and sharing.

  5. This makes me want to go to the beach...Next weekend!


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