
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Vegan Tasmania + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

While we’re going through links today, I’d like to share with you one of my own. I have very recently created a new website, specifically catered to vegans living in Tasmania, but anyone can get something out of the site.
I’m still working hard on the site, and am currently writing up a list of vegan and un-vegan-friendly alcohols and brands for reference. So far there are the usual; about me page, blog, events, forum, list of animal-derived ingredients, restaurant guide etc. etc.
I know most of you here are not vegan but a regular part of the blog will be my own recipes. At the moment I have an unbelievably delicious Chocolate Cheesecake recipe up that you must go and check out here.
And (hopefully, if all goes well) by the end of the day there should be a new chocolate brownie recipe up too!
Hope you’ll check it out!
Ok on to the party! Hope you’ll join in this week by adding the link of your best or most recent post of the week! Whatever you like! Just make sure to be a good blogger and link back to me either with a worded link or by adding my button! which you can copy here:
Kirsty Girl


  1. Thanks for stopping by today! I pm happy to know that little bit of info about revlon! I love revlon! I'm about to link up!
    See ya!

  2. HI Kirsty
    Congrats on the new vegan site. I fail to see how you can do cheesecake though....obviously I have alot to learn.

  3. Your new site looks wonderful ... I'm following you there now, too! I'm vegan (except for an occasional egg) 5 days a week. I eat some dairy on Fridays and Saturdays. The chocolate cheesecake looks delicious, and I can't wait for the chocolate brownie recipe! :) Deb @

  4. will definitely check your website out. my daughter is vegan too, about to start studying nutrition. she will like to see your site as well.
    thanks for hosting!

  5. Follow me Blog I will Also follow back to you when u followed my blog comment on my any post i will follow back to you....

  6. I bought myself vegan t-shirts the other day. It is my sincere intention to finish my chocolate and cheese binge by the time they are delivered and to be a vegan, true to the T-shirts that I will be wearing.

    Yikes! ;)

  7. Tour site looks great Kirsty, congrats! The cheesecake looks delicious!

  8. Congrats, Kirsty!! I'll definitely check out your new site. Sorry I haven't been around lately...working too darn much. Hope you're doing well.


  9. That looks delish! Thanks for sharing at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  10. Kirsty,
    I don't know anything about being vegan but that cheesecake looks yummy! Congrats on your new site!

  11. Love the new blog Kirsty!!
    I look forward to learning some new things from it as Veganism (not sure if thats a real word?) has been of interest to me.The cheesecake looks awesome!

  12. That's awesome... I've been thinking about doing a site for my diet too, I feel like there are too many topics on my main site. Anyway thanks for the inspiration and thoughtful read!

  13. oh that dessert, i so could enjoy a hunk for breakast~


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