
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Photo of a Drawing of a Cat

I took this the other night after doodling this catty picture. I have no patience when it comes to my oil painting so I’ve decided I need to draw more and create more pictures in general, and hopefully some kind of patience and skill will reveal itself to me.
As you may have noticed there was no linky party yesterday. I have decided to stop hosting the parties. I don’t know whether this will be forever but there are certain aspects to the blogging world that are too easy to get caught up in.. and as a result you forget the purpose of the blog in the first place. I know many bloggers write about this but it’s true. I do not blog to blog. I blog to put down my photos and paintings. More content and less Alexa Rankings for me.
If you’re a blogger too, I hope you’re still enjoying yours! I am.


  1. I loose patience easy too, and then I also have a problem with being a huge self-critic. Great cat drawing!

  2. I love cats and I love painting of a cat!! lovely drawing! <3

  3. Nice job, kirsty! You're so talented :)

  4. i am a newbie in blogging...i enjoy reading blogs and learning from them. nice blog you have kirsty!

  5. Love the drawing. I hear ya about patience, I tend to go from one thing to the other without ever finishing anything. :)

  6. I LOVE your cat drawing, Kirsty! And I always enjoy your photos. I can understand what you're saying about Alexa Rankings. It is easy to lose sight of why we started blogging in the first place. I know that I feel I'm continually re-defining my blogs, which is a process in itself. Deb @

  7. That was a very nice drawing, it is so cute!

    Zero Dramas

  8. I totally get what you mean, AND I love the drawing of the cat. It is actually something that I need to invest in as well: time to develop my drawings and art...

  9. Cute drawing and you said it when it comes to getting caught up in all the hoopla!

  10. A Photo of a Drawing of a Cat Really great.
    i will share it with others too.

  11. LOVE IT! i attempted to make this once...with utter failure. i shall try once again, just because of your post. :)


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