
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Portrait of a Cat Named Duke + Kirsty & Friends Linky Party

portrait of a cat named duke #4
Oops I’m a day late to host my party! Sorry guys! Hope you’ll still drop by and link up your best post of the week!
portrait of a cat named duke #1
My other kitty, Indiana was looking on in awe when I took this photo… apparently he had no idea that cats could climb trees! Duke teaches him naughty things.. luckily Indie isn’t quite athletic enough to do most of them though.. so he just looks on in wonder!
portrait of a cat named duke #3
portrait of a cat named duke #2
It’s party time! Link up and please remember to link back to me!
Kirsty Girl
Linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. Beautiful pictures. I especially like the effect of the natural light and shadows. ~Dawn

  2. I always love your cat photos, Kirsty! These remind me a bit of my Chartreuse cat with golden eyes. Deb @


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