
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hanging Kitchen Planters

hanging kitchen planters salsa chilli
This was the first project that involved any drilling into the walls of our new house so it was a bit exciting! We painted the hangers white, originally they were a shiny green like the planters themselves but stood out far too much. They’re pretty heavy duty and designed for outside use but they look wonderful in the kitchen all shabby white now! Plants always make a big difference to any inside space but I didn’t realise how much!
I love them!
In the first pic we have some salsa chilli’s… they look too yummy. We also hung some blue and yellow flowers and made a herb basket with coriander, parsley and thyme, some of the herbs that get used a lot.
hanging kitchen planters

hanging kitchen planters herbs


  1. Are these indoors? What about watering them?

    1. Yes they're indoors. They're all planted by large windows that get a lot of sunlight and I bought a spray bottle to water them with each day. As they're in the kitchen they won't be forgotten and I'll be able to keep a close watch on their health to make sure they're getting enough water and sun and not too much of each! :) Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. Hope you'll come by again and keep in touch!

  2. I love those planters!!! So awesome to have all of those yummies at your finger tips!! Great work!!!

    1. Yes! It's hard to keep myself from those chili's especially! They look so good. I just hope they continue to grow. :) I'll be keeping a close eye on them that's for sure.

  3. ha! planters are so fun and love seeing them turn into beautiful displays! please come over and share your gardening posts at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! xoox, tracie

  4. Hi, what a great idea, hope it works out really well for you. so nice to have fresh
    spices right there in your kitchen.

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. This is a test post.


  6. They look great. I wondered about watering them oo but you already answered that question

  7. How fabulous to have such great light to be able to grow your herbs and peppers in the kitchen.. I'm jealous.
    hugs, Cherry

  8. yay - you came over and shared! thank you...can't wait to see what you share this week! xoxo, tracie

    1. You're Welcome Tracie! See you again this week! :D

  9. Great idea to keep the herbs nearby. If the watering system doesn't work, i.e. leaks, you could lay some plastic under the dirt too. Thank you for sharing it at to What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!


    1. Thanks Deborah! The baskets are made from coconut fibers and are very waxy! So far no leaks! I will definitely be doing that in the future if it starts going through!

  10. I love hanging baskets! I have a hard time with mine staying alive! I am a new follower from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and follow me back. Have a great evening, Nicole

    1. Thanks so much Nicole! I have followed you along too!


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