
Monday, June 24, 2013

Tea Chest

Well Winter has officially hit and so with it flu season. Hooray!
The other morning I found this gorgeous bamboo tea chest at my door! Lucky me! Aren’t Nanna’s the best!? Inside there “were” heaps of lovely teas from T2, all different kinds! They all somehow disappeared over only a couple of days. Whoops!
I grabbed a couple of snaps next to my new white vintage scales and favourite mug!
Linking up with: 504 Main, A Delightsome Life, A Diamond in the Stuff, Alderberry Hill, A Night Owl, A Stroll Thru Life, Be Different, Act Normal, Cheerios & Lattes, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Claire Justine oxox, Coastal Charm, Common Ground, Cozy Little House, Crafts a La Mode, Create with Joy, Cupcake ‘n’ Bake, DIY by Design, DIY Dreamer, Domesblissity, Ducks ‘n a Row, Elizabeth & Co, Feeding Big, Green Willow Pond, Happy Go Lucky, Hickory Trail, Home Maker on a Dime, Ivy & Elephants, Katherines Corner, Kathe with an E, Lil Luna, Live Laugh Rowe, Liz Marie, Lolly Jane, Mop it Up, Love Bakes Good Cakes, Milk & Cuddles, Mostly Homemade Mom, No Minimalist Here, Our Delightful Home, Petals to Picots, Pursuit of Functional Home, Salt Tree, Say G’Day Saturday, Savvy Southern Style, Serenity Now, Shabby Creek Cottage, Share Your Cup, Sincerely, Paula, Six Sisters Stuff, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, Sugar & Dots, The Best Blog Recipes, The Trendy Treehouse, This Gal Cooks, Too Much Time, Weekly Creative, We Like to Learn as We Go, While he was Napping, Charm of Home, French Country Cottage, House on the Way, Primp Junktion, Romantic Home, Knick of Time, Time Washed

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Goodbye Google Friend Connect {An Important Post All Bloggers Should Read!}

gfckirstygirlBy now you’ve probably heard that Google Friend Connect and Google Reader will disappear on 1st July. In my own opinion this sucks! Like me, you may have most of your followers on this service and they’ll be cut off from your blog and it will no longer show up in their feed. Look at this beautiful list of friends. If this is the only way they’ve followed along with my blog, which I know most of them have, then they may be lost forever.
I realise Google is doing this to promote Google+ and get everything over there but a lot of us haven’t yet made the switch and it can hardly be considered an acceptable alternative because they do totally different things. Google+ is just another social network, yes a great one at that but it isn’t a blog reader.
Now I have to convince you all to follow me some other way. The new way I am following all of you is through BlogLovin’. I moved over there a while ago and am absolutely loving it. BUT most of you are yet to join me. Notice the difference in numbers? I have 30 followers to date on BlogLovin’ while I have 683 on Google. That is one hell of a difference!!! What is a girl to do?
Because I don’t want to lose you all, please follow me on BlogLovin’ or on any social networks so you’ll at least be notified when I have a new post for you to read. Of course I think a blog reader is definitely the way to go. If you’re a blogger yourself you’ll be happy to know that unlike Google, BlogLovin’ readers actually increase your page views. This was a huge downfall when it came to Google Friend Connect, as reading blogs in that feed did not give bloggers more page views.
Oh yeah! If you’re thinking of making the switch to BlogLovin’ note that you can import your blog lists making the move super simple and easy! Yay!!!
Today I made this gorgeous Follow Kirsty Girl mapped image to list below each post to encourage my readers to follow along. Especially those wonderfully loyal GFC followers. So come on guys get following!
BlogLovin'FacebookTwitterGoogle+EtsyPinterestInstagramrss feedImage Map
504 Main, A Delightsome Life, A Diamond in the Stuff, Alderberry Hill, A Night Owl, A Stroll Thru Life, Be Different, Act Normal, Cheerios & Lattes, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Claire Justine oxox, Coastal Charm, Common Ground, Cozy Little House, Crafts a La Mode, Create with Joy, Cupcake ‘n’ Bake, DIY by Design, DIY Dreamer, Domesblissity, Ducks ‘n a Row, Elizabeth & Co, Feeding Big, Green Willow Pond, Happy Go Lucky, Hickory Trail, Home Maker on a Dime, Ivy & Elephants, Katherines Corner, Kathe with an E, Lil Luna, Live Laugh Rowe, Liz Marie, Lolly Jane, Mop it Up, Love Bakes Good Cakes, Milk & Cuddles, Mostly Homemade Mom, No Minimalist Here, Our Delightful Home, Petals to Picots, Pursuit of Functional Home, Salt Tree, Say G’Day Saturday, Savvy Southern Style, Serenity Now, Shabby Creek Cottage, Share Your Cup, Sincerely, Paula, Six Sisters Stuff, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, Sugar & Dots, The Best Blog Recipes, The Trendy Treehouse, This Gal Cooks, Too Much Time, Weekly Creative, We Like to Learn as We Go, While he was Napping

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Awesome weekend! I watched my big bro get married and I was lucky enough to be a groomsmen! I didn’t take this shot, I was a bad blogger and stole it but I did have fun editing it and adding little bokeh hearts! I do love bokeh even if it’s fake!
Speaking of weddings, I snapped up a couple more photos of our friends wedding flowers after our area had a scheduled burn last week. It’s always fun taking photos with really weird light. Check these out.
Linking up with: 504 Main, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Coastal Charm, Common Ground, Cozy Little House, Crafts a La Mode, DIY by Design, DIY Dreamer, Green Willow Pond, Live Laugh Rowe, Lolly Jane, No Minimalist Here, Say G’Day Saturday, Savvy Southern Style, Serenity Now, Shabby Creek Cottage, Share Your Cup, Weekly Creative