
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Goodbye Google Friend Connect {An Important Post All Bloggers Should Read!}

gfckirstygirlBy now you’ve probably heard that Google Friend Connect and Google Reader will disappear on 1st July. In my own opinion this sucks! Like me, you may have most of your followers on this service and they’ll be cut off from your blog and it will no longer show up in their feed. Look at this beautiful list of friends. If this is the only way they’ve followed along with my blog, which I know most of them have, then they may be lost forever.
I realise Google is doing this to promote Google+ and get everything over there but a lot of us haven’t yet made the switch and it can hardly be considered an acceptable alternative because they do totally different things. Google+ is just another social network, yes a great one at that but it isn’t a blog reader.
Now I have to convince you all to follow me some other way. The new way I am following all of you is through BlogLovin’. I moved over there a while ago and am absolutely loving it. BUT most of you are yet to join me. Notice the difference in numbers? I have 30 followers to date on BlogLovin’ while I have 683 on Google. That is one hell of a difference!!! What is a girl to do?
Because I don’t want to lose you all, please follow me on BlogLovin’ or on any social networks so you’ll at least be notified when I have a new post for you to read. Of course I think a blog reader is definitely the way to go. If you’re a blogger yourself you’ll be happy to know that unlike Google, BlogLovin’ readers actually increase your page views. This was a huge downfall when it came to Google Friend Connect, as reading blogs in that feed did not give bloggers more page views.
Oh yeah! If you’re thinking of making the switch to BlogLovin’ note that you can import your blog lists making the move super simple and easy! Yay!!!
Today I made this gorgeous Follow Kirsty Girl mapped image to list below each post to encourage my readers to follow along. Especially those wonderfully loyal GFC followers. So come on guys get following!
BlogLovin'FacebookTwitterGoogle+EtsyPinterestInstagramrss feedImage Map
504 Main, A Delightsome Life, A Diamond in the Stuff, Alderberry Hill, A Night Owl, A Stroll Thru Life, Be Different, Act Normal, Cheerios & Lattes, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Claire Justine oxox, Coastal Charm, Common Ground, Cozy Little House, Crafts a La Mode, Create with Joy, Cupcake ‘n’ Bake, DIY by Design, DIY Dreamer, Domesblissity, Ducks ‘n a Row, Elizabeth & Co, Feeding Big, Green Willow Pond, Happy Go Lucky, Hickory Trail, Home Maker on a Dime, Ivy & Elephants, Katherines Corner, Kathe with an E, Lil Luna, Live Laugh Rowe, Liz Marie, Lolly Jane, Mop it Up, Love Bakes Good Cakes, Milk & Cuddles, Mostly Homemade Mom, No Minimalist Here, Our Delightful Home, Petals to Picots, Pursuit of Functional Home, Salt Tree, Say G’Day Saturday, Savvy Southern Style, Serenity Now, Shabby Creek Cottage, Share Your Cup, Sincerely, Paula, Six Sisters Stuff, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, Sugar & Dots, The Best Blog Recipes, The Trendy Treehouse, This Gal Cooks, Too Much Time, Weekly Creative, We Like to Learn as We Go, While he was Napping


  1. My biggest pet peeve is that with Google friend I could follow people while keeping my other Social Media as a separate entity. Not everyone wants everything to be in the same place. It's like church and state being separate. :)

    1. I totally agree as far as wanting to keep things separate. I know a lot of bloggers don't both but some of us bloggers are actually pretty private people and don't want to mesh everything!

  2. Oh I see my face up there in your post! I just signed up to follow you at bloglovin.

    Can I just quietly urge you to get started at Google+? It really is the best way for bloggers to get their name out there and the whole +1 thing is fantastic for SEO. I did a post a while ago about it if you want to check it out.

    I'll give this a +1 right now!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thanks so much Natasha! Yes I am over there too but I am just starting to get really in to it. It takes a little while for new social networks I guess. It's just a bit overwhelming with how many things you have to sign in and share to now. Ouch!

  3. So GFC is off too? I didn't realise it was to be so soon. Yikes

    1. Well I don't think they're switching off GFC as soon as Google Reader but i'm sure they will soon as there will be pretty much no point to it as far as google is concerned. Since the whole point is to get people to sign up with G+ instead, they'll be ditching it soon enough.

  4. I was wondering where you got that info? It's hard to keep up with the latest news, but from what I have heard and read is that we will not lose GFC, at least not yet. It is the Google Reader that is going away, which is separate from the reading list of blogs that you have on your dashboard. The reading list automatically shows all the blogs you are following on GFC on your dashboard. I've never signed on to Google Reader, so when it goes away I'll still have my reading list and GFC, hopefully and you should as well. However, it is a good idea to have blog lovin' to follow as well because eventually GFC will go away in time.

    1. Hi Diane, thanks for the comment. I probably should have provided more info about that in my post! Oops! Even though google won't be ditching GFC straight away with Google Reader, the GFC as a result does become pretty obsolete. They will certainly be ditching it soon afterwards as without Google Reader there's not really any point to it.. not as far as Google will be concerned anyway.

      I got most of the info from other blogs, particularly those that BlogLovin' is promoting at the moment as the go-to sources on how to write a "Bloglovin' as google replacement" type posts. If you log in to bloglovin they should be there.

      Thanks so much for your comment, Diane!

    2. Thanks for the reply Kirsty. I wanted to add that your post was very informative and helpful as well. I just wish Google wouldn't leave us in the dark regarding GFC. Hopefully we will all have time to move our followers over to bloglovin' and attract some new ones before GFC does end!

    3. Yes I hope they let everyone know in plenty of time Diane, but it's doubtful considering how slowly word has gotten out with Google Reader!

  5. I HATE change, but I made the leap to Blog Lovin' a couple weeks ago after trying a different reader that I HATED! So far I'm pretty pleased with Blog Lovin', but I sure wish Google would leave things alone.

    1. Yep I've tried quite a few too and I don't know why they have to make the majority of them so ugly haha. Thankfully bloglovin is good! The only thing I dislike about it is how the read posts disappear. Sometimes you want to find a post again.

  6. Thanks for the post many changes that I am not excited about! I will jump over and follow ya at bloglovin! That is where I am too!

  7. I've got Google+ but I hardly use it! Actually no freaking idea HOW to use it effectively tbh. I've got bloglovin too. They are AWESOME!!!

  8. I am with you on this Kristy. I love Bloglovin, I am also on Google+ but, have yet to spend the time and learn all about it. I am sure there is something I need to get up to speed on.

  9. Hi Kirsty! Thank you for the information. I didn't know that about GFC! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin'. I'm looking forward to following your poats and getting to know you. I hope you'll follow me too. :D

  10. Thank you so much! I no have got bloglovin on my blog too!! this has helped a lot thanks :) would love if you checked out my blog :)

    1. That's awesome! So glad my post has helped! I thought I should get the info out there more because it's almost gone and so many bloggers don't know about it all yet.

  11. Hi Kirsty,

    I would like to thank you for joining the Pin It Monday Hop Pinterest Party. The party has just started, please come by sometime(if your time permits) and check what other bloggers are sharing. See you. 

    Pursuit Of Functional Home

  12. I thought it was just Google Reader that was going away, not GFC. This makes me sad. I switched everything to Bloglovin a while ago but I love GFC.

    1. Hi Al, I love GFC too. I don't think it's going away completely just yet but it'll be just a matter of time as it's pointless since they're ditching Google Reader. The whole point of it is to get people to make the switch to Google+ so GFC is sure to follow.

  13. I just exported the blogs I am following to bloglovin' from Google Reader this weekend. One thing I'm having trouble with is leaving a comment on a blog that I went to using my bloglovin' reader. I can read the blog post, can see all the comments, the comment box is visible, but when I try to leave a comment, nothing happens. Is anyone else having this happen to them? Am I doing something wrong?

    As for as Google+, I have not moved my blog to it. I am a relatively new blogger (about 8 months), new to Facebook (9 months), new to Pinterest (8-9 months), and I worked very hard at BRANDING all of these networks with my blog name, not my personal name. Google+ will undo all that hard work. I am already not leaving comments on some blogs because the comment feature only recognizes my personal name using Google+ even though I am only signed in to my blog with its standard Google blog name. So frustrating that Google+ insists our personal names be out there. It's like requiring Nordstroms to list its CEO in correspondence instead of the business name.

    Thanks for your information and for everyone who commented. I've learned quite a bit both from your post and the people who left comments.


    1. Hmm I'm not sure Judith! I always click through the the actual blog to read the posts rather than using the bloglovin comment box.
      Totally understand the concerns with Google+ Thankfully for me I still get to be Kirsty Girl over there too. There are pages though but I'm not entirely sure how well the work just yet, much like the facebook pages I presume. Luckily I've just been using my first name with fake last name over there. Girl in this case and Tasmania for my Vegan Tasmania site. I think they'd accept Judith Bleu or something like that.
      I totally agree though, wish they didn't insist on personal names!

  14. I will miss it too!!! Btw: I'm going to add you right now to my bloglovin, so I can follow you on there. Kisses

    1. Yay thanks Diana! Already following you there x

  15. So happy to have found your blog today. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll stop by and visit with me too.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  16. I just found your blog through A Stroll Thru Life & I am your newest follower. I too am switching everything over to bloglovin, so far I like it. Would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.
    Thanks, Patty

  17. Kirsty, I feel the same way. In fact, I wrote a post recently about how to get Bloglovin's button to open in a new window for that reason...I want everyone to start following me on Bloglovin' but if it doesn't open in a new window, it sends them away from my page. Google friends connect didn't do that.

    Thanks for sharing this important post on my blog hop. Hope you'll come back again next week. I am now going to follow YOU on Bloglovin!

    Ducks ‘n a Row

    1. Oh yes Sinea, I'm big on new windows haha, definitely a must to get people to stay on the page!
      Thanks for following Sinea, I'm already following you there, and will be linking up again!

  18. I knew that reader was ending, but I was not aware of GFC. Bummers! We will all be losing a lot of followers I'm sure. I'm on google plus, but rarely use it. Following you on bloglovin. Looks like I'd best get shakin and learn more about it! thanks for sharing this info with SYC.

    1. Yep, I think we're all going to start using Google+ a lot more!
      Thanks for the great party as always Jann!

  19. Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm new to the blogging world, so this is all still a little confusing to me. ;)

  20. Where did you get this info from? Who told you this? May I know? Who said that it will disappear July 1st? May I have the link?

  21. I just asked google/staffs and others, and they said it's not going anywhere. The only thing going away is google reader which is a completely separate product, the only thing is that it adds you to google reader list, but that's not the only thing GFC adds you to, adds you to many other lists, I'd hate for it to disappear


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