
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Indoor Garden

Indoor kitchen garden, lavender, chilli, succulent, curry, tin, thyme, rosemary
As some of you are aware, Andi and I have been experimenting with indoor gardening (as well as outdoor gardening). Check out this post about our hanging indoor kitchen planters. So far we’ve been having a lot of luck especially with succulents. Andi planted some in a Keen’s Curry tin. We also have a chilli plant, some lavender, rosemary, thyme and mint in the kitchen.

indoor pot plants succulent air plant giraffe
In the lounge room we have another large succulent and an air plant that I received for Christmas. They’re both great and don’t seem to need much sun at all. I just spray them with water once or twice a week and they’re good to go!
Apologies for the totally crap photos but if you’ve ever tried to capture a close up with an enormous amount of light behind, you’ll understand why!
garden pot plants succulents pig
I bought this beautiful little cabinet at a second hand shop for $40, which sits nicely outside on the deck. Again with 3 different succulents on top. The succulents and chilli’s are just about the only thing not dying in this scorching summer heat at the moment. Our garden is practically a straw desert at the moment so I have to make do with what little greenery is left.
capsicum plant curry pot plants
This big guy seems to be liking the heat though and is getting quite big. He should be a full capsicum in no time!
Linking up with: 504 Main, A Delightsome Life, A Diamond in the Stuff, Alderberry Hill, A Night Owl, A Stroll Thru Life, Be Different, Act Normal, Cheerios & Lattes, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, Claire Justine oxox, Coastal Charm, Common Ground, Cozy Little House, Crafts a La Mode, Create with Joy, Cupcake ‘n’ Bake, DIY by Design, DIY Dreamer, Domesblissity, Ducks ‘n a Row, Elizabeth & Co, Feeding Big, Green Willow Pond, Happy Go Lucky, Hickory Trail, Home Maker on a Dime, Ivy & Elephants, Katherines Corner, Kathe with an E, Lil Luna, Live Laugh Rowe, Liz Marie, Lolly Jane, Mop it Up, Love Bakes Good Cakes, Milk & Cuddles, Mostly Homemade Mom, No Minimalist Here, Our Delightful Home, Petals to Picots, Pursuit of Functional Home, Salt Tree, Say G’Day Saturday, Savvy Southern Style, Serenity Now, Shabby Creek Cottage, Share Your Cup, Sincerely, Paula, Six Sisters Stuff, Someday Crafts, Southern Lovely, Sugar & Dots, The Best Blog Recipes, The Trendy Treehouse, This Gal Cooks, Too Much Time, Weekly Creative, We Like to Learn as We Go, While he was Napping, Charm of Home, French Country Cottage, House on the Way, Primp Junktion, Romantic Home, Fishtail Cottage, Diana Rambles, Dukes & Duchesses, Ginger Snap Crafts, Katie’s Nesting Spot, Life we Live 4, Redoux, Say Not Sweet, Sunday Showcase Party, Tatertots & Jello,


  1. You guys have had a lot of heat this winter haven't you? We have had an unusually cold winter! I think it is -3 tonight here in Southern Illinois and it is usually 25 a least! I can't wait to garden. I just got my lettuce seed in today!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Oh yes! Tasmania is the coldest in Summer usually too, Australia's really facing some wild weather, but then again the whole world seems to be at the moment. Here's to hoping your lettuce go well and you keep warm Sherry!

  2. How cool is the keens curry tin. Love the look. The little cabinet is too cute.

  3. you have a cute little garden. i cant seem to grow anything!

  4. Great collection of plants! Definitely making me wish for spring. (Seen on What I Learned Wednesday.)

  5. Stopping by from Katherine's Corner to check out your blog. Wow! Love this indoor garden! Makes we wish for summer to arrive soon. :)

  6. I'll trade you a little heat for some of our cold! I'm worried some of my perennial plants outdoors may not make through this harsh winter we are having. It's nice to see some greenery outside in your pictures. It looks like you've got the green thumb! Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a happy day! ~Deborah

  7. Your garden looks great! I still have yet to try planting anything because I'm afraid to kill it. Thanks for sharing on the weekend re-Treat link party.

    Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.

  8. That's free oxygen/air cleaner right there. Lovely plants!

    The Quiet Mom @ Pastrami French Dip with Bell Peppers and Caramelized Onion (

  9. LOVE love love the curry tin and that divine little cabinet. Your thumb is so much greener than mine ;) xx

    1. Thank you so much! All credit must go to my man though, he's the one with the green thumb and the tin idea!... Mr. Perfect

  10. The curry tin is fabulous! I have a few herbs indoors. Can't wait to get out and garden. March can't come soon enough. lol! thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. How cute is that little cabinet?! You definitely have an artfulness that brings your lively plants together, Kirstyy. Very nice. x

    1. Aw thank you so much! And thank you too for featuring me! :D

  12. Love the little cabinet and wow, you are so creative and clever. Love the herbs. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  13. What a great idea! My sister-in-law has planted herbs indoors as well. They're so much better fresh!

    1. Oh they really are! I love them! Weirdly they're getting too much sun in that spot now so they've been put lower on the bench haha

  14. I had succulents last winter. What fun! love your garden also. Linda

  15. Awww..I love all the herbs and all the plants are so beautiful. Well done, sweetie. xoxo


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