
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Things I've Learnt in My Puppy's First Week

5 tips for bringing puppy home
Hello Lovelies! I have some exciting news to share with you all! Judging by the title of this post and the photo above, I expect you have already deduced what it is!

Yep! I've got a beautiful little puppy called, Spot. He is a Kelpie x Smithfield (a Tasmanian Sheepdog) and It's been a hectic week I tell you! He is just lovely and I love him so! However, he's also intense, so intensely intense that there are things I really wish I had known before we picked him up at 6 weeks old. We've gotten some things right and some things not so right.

Here's what I've learnt so far:

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Happy Easter Vignette

I have just spent my entire day trying to log onto the internet... finally the lovely woman from HP figured it out for me! I think I may have to do a post on that soon, in case any one else is having similar issues. I have a million post ideas coming your way too including a bunch of new finds and treasures, photos and even much needed desk/office makeover!