
Friday, April 11, 2014

A Happy Easter Vignette

I have just spent my entire day trying to log onto the internet... finally the lovely woman from HP figured it out for me! I think I may have to do a post on that soon, in case any one else is having similar issues. I have a million post ideas coming your way too including a bunch of new finds and treasures, photos and even much needed desk/office makeover!

 For now though I just wanted to wish all my lovely followers a very Happy Easter! I made this cute little Easter themed vignette  which reminded me how much I love photography. Today is a very dreary and wet Autumn day with no place for nests, eggs and bunnies but oh well!

The nest is actually a real birds nest that we found in our garden last year. It's perfect and has sat on a shelf inside ever since. I hadn't even thought of using it for this post but walking past it, I eyed it and thought "perfect!" The golden egg is actually ceramic (no real eggs for my vegan ways of course!), the bunny is a beautiful white ceramic container and the backdrop is actually a candlelit lantern.

rose dew garden pink

My roses haven't been in bloom for a long time now but I've yet to share this image and upon looking through my photos this morning, I couldn't resist adding it to this Easter themed post. Isn't she beautiful? I snapped up this shot just before a big storm blew through and ruined all of my rose bushes. I think they're doing ok now though, although the need a lot, a lot of cutting back before the warmer weather comes back... though that reminds me, winter hasn't even started yet and I'm already sick of the cold and wet weather. Oh dear! It's going to be a while!

Anyway Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Hi Kirsty! What a sweet little bird nest in this vignette! You are inspiring me to use a natural bird nest as well. There is a nest in a hanging pot on my back porch that I was going to take down this year - but a dove family has taken up residence in it - and there's an egg! So I've left the hanging pot up for now...when the birds have gone later this fall or so, I'll take it down, keep the nest and use it next Easter! Great idea! Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter to you, Catherine (latest follower of your blogging adventures!) :)

  2. Thank you so much Catherine! That's a great idea! I love mine it's so sweet. We actually found ours on the lawn so knew for sure it wasn't being used haha :) and of course no eggs inside! Thanks so much for the follow :)

  3. Happy Easter and thanks for sharing and linking up with us at the #WWDParty.


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