
Monday, May 26, 2014

It's All About the Wrapping at Inky Co.

inky co wrapping eco friendly natural australia
 I am a wrapping fanatic as I'm certain a lot of you are too! I'm always buying little bits of ribbon, string and twine and recycling things to create beautiful wrapping. Well this time, after many many moons of feeling awful about buying cheap wrapping paper which is of course completely un-environmentally-friendly, I decided that it was about time to buy some that wouldn't make me feel so guilty and here's what I found:

Just so we're all on the same page here this is not (not even a little bit) a sponsored post. I just love this product and after wrapping some lovely presents, I knew I had to share it with you gals!

All this gorgeous wrapping was designed and made in Melbourne, Australia from recycled materials and responsible dyes. So absolutely NO guilty feelings there. Of course my guy Andi couldn't believe I'd bought it and when I said it was made in Melbourne he said "from hipsters tears" which is probably quite accurate.. Sorry Melbournites... couldn't resist!

It's also fantastic to wrap with, by far the best paper I've ever used. It's so thick that you can wrap really weird shapes easily and they'll even look great. Bet you can't tell which one of these gifts was actually circle shape!!!

I've decided as well as sharing my own lovely vintage treasures with you all from time to time, I'll also be sharing some things to help you all too! First this lovely wrapping find and soon lots more! I think I'll be including my favourite copyright free image sources next week so stay tuned, including some I'm certain you won't have heard of!

inky co wrapping eco friendly natural australia


  1. Those are some absolutely gorgeous wrapping papers. Love!

  2. Oooo you are feeding this wrapping paper addicts addiction you know ;) xx

  3. That is so neat! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I have always thought the wrapping is the best part of a gift.

  5. Very pretty wrapping paper. You can't beat a pretty present.

    Popping over from Justines blog hop.
    X x

  6. Very pretty! I love to give and receive beautifully wrapped gifts. You can tell the person giving it spent extra care and time preparing something special. That little bit of extra thought goes a long way!

  7. Very pretty! I didn't know that the inks in wrapping paper were so bad. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!

    Blessings, Deborah

  8. i like wrapping present, but i also like recycling the wrapping paper so that i can use it over and over, obviously if its too old and something written all over im not going to use that)

  9. They look so beautiful, I'd be afraid to open them. I just recycle gift bags if I'm honest, and buy giant sacks at Christmas.


  10. The black and white wrap is gorgeous. I go weak for wrapping. It's one of those random things that I covet and buy far too much of. Lately I've been doing printable wraps from around the internet. Very cute. x

  11. I love this, I think I have more fun wrapping gifts than I do buying them! x

  12. I just shared this post on my Christmas Board-I love your disclaimer!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at my Say G'Day Saturday linky party and for introducing me to Inky Co!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  13. Beautiful wrap! I love the black and white one. Thanks for linking with Home Sweet Home!


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