
Thursday, October 9, 2014

5 Reasons American Bloggers Should Visit Australia

Okay, so you know I love all my American blogger friends right? Well I do! But... this time of year makes you all go a little crazy! You all just can't stop posting about Fall, pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween and even Christmas! Yes... I said it... you all... NOT ya'll! In my opinion getting away from the word ya'll is reason enough to visit Australia but here are my top 5 reasons American Bloggers should visit Australia:

1. Pumpkins
Seriously... we do have pumpkins here too! I just had pumpkin soup for breakfast and it's Spring here! WTH? It's a world gone topsy turvy! I have 2 pumpkins in the kitchen ready to go. I eat them but I don't decorate them or with them... I know I'm totally weird! Which brings me to my next point:

2. Real Coffee
Man oh man have I been inundated with instagram pics of your Starbucks coffees lately. What is your obsession with pumpkin lattes? You do get that there's no actual pumpkin in there right? Anyway on to my main point, Starbucks had to close 61 of it's 87 shops here because in Australia their coffee isn't considered good enough. Actually, it's not even considered coffee... more like coffee flavoured water. If you're interested you can get the full story of why Starbucks just doesn't cut it in Australia.

3. Vintage Shopping
In Australia, especially Tasmania we have less of the big corporate chain stores and more of the little guys! Except on Sundays of course! There are heaps of cute little shops to find vintage wares, antiques, collectibles and little trinkets everywhere, in the city centres and in the 'burbs. I have a number of favourites that I frequent and recently found a new amazingly priced antiques and second hand store where I purchased the most gorgeous vintage dresser that I'm now working on so stay tuned! BTW if you'd like to hit me up with your stripping techniques please shoot me an email! That's wood stripping by the way, just to clarify!

4.  Halloween
Halloween has finally made it's way to Australia and now we have it too! Okay so it's not exactly the big night that it is in the states but for the first time ever I'm going to have to stock up on lollies for the neighbour kids this year. Last year I got lucky and just happened to have some bags of sweets lying around to hand out when they knocked so this year I'm going to be prepared!

5. Christmas
I know it's not your wonderful white Christmas that you all know and love but this is what Christmas in Australia looks like and it's beachy bliss baby so start saving and enjoy the high USD/AUD exchange rate right now.


  1. I will have to come just to try your coffee!! And I love to eat pumpkin stuff

  2. Okay, I'm not big on Starbucks and I love vintage stores. Pumpkins in Spring, heck year round, sounds delightful! I think I'd be okay in Australia don't you? And, best of all, I'd get to hang out with you! 3 great reasons, out of 5, for me to head down under ;-)

  3. I think you'd be more than ok Kathe! :)

  4. Kirsty Girl,
    Great post, I am gong to Australia. You make it sound so lovely I can't wait to tell me husband we are going. Your next post should be places we should visit, where we should stay and food! This would be great. Lovely meeting you.

  5. That Christmas photo is enough reason for me. Go ahead and save out a spot for me at your house!!!!!!!

  6. Jill! Isn't it though? I'm still dreaming of a white christmas though... maybe one day just for a change.

  7. Kristy I read your post last night and was giggling. i would love to see the beaches of Australia at Christmas and I have had about 2 cups of Starbucks coffee in my life and hated the taste of each one of them. We have always said that every time you pick up a magazine in America it is like every person in the whole country wants to look/decorate like a New Yorker and in the Midwest this is just not the case. Thanks for sharing your Aussie point of view, I totally know what you mean.

  8. I have been there once (20 years ago) and want to come back. My son gets on me for what he calls my Australian fetish. Just because I have a Sydney Blue Sox cap, a Melbourne Demon scarf, an Australian World Baseball cap and an Australian World Cup hoodie doesn't mean I like the place.

  9. I would love to try a white Christmas.. just once, but hands down you cannot beat Christmas day at the beach. As for stripping, I just paint on a good old paint stripper and use a metal scraper to get it off. Usually works a treat on anything including french laquer xx

  10. As a fellow Tasmanian-Australian, I totally agree with you! I will explain about the Starbucks... we basically only drink Starbucks in America and Singapore (where I live now) because it's the only consistently good coffee. You need to buy the espresso though, (not the Americano, blech!) and put just a little milk. Then it's strong enough. However, I would choose a little local Australian coffee shop over that any day! ;) Thank you for linking up to Savoring Saturdays!

  11. And don't forget our gorgeous beaches and the Daintree forest and the Great Barrier Reef where I've just been with the kids... and Sydney... my home town and feature of my blog... fab place to visit with kids! Hello via the Rewind!

  12. I would love to visit Australia, even before reading this. Now you've convinced me! Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Wind-Down party! Would you consider adding our link so we can feature you? Thanks!

    Nicole =)

  13. Hi Nicole, I have a link to it in my parties page :)

  14. Seana there's just too many beautiful places to list isn't there!? I'm originally from NSW myself :)

  15. Haha sounds like a lot of work Chantelle!

  16. Thank you so much Son! Any stripper or do you have a preference? Yes I maybe plan on having a white christmas just once too but only once! You can't beat a beachy christmas!

  17. Oh great! I looked there but couldn't find it...I just must have missed it. Thanks for sharing great content with us! =)


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