
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Alice in Wonderland and the Red Queen

Good morning sunshine!

I have already introduced my littlest sister Cookie to you all but I have another little sissy called Chicken. Now Chicken has been invited to her friends birthday party this weekend. And being very hip and now the theme is Alice in Wonderland! I have recently come across many mummy blogs posting about Alice in Wonderland kids parties, it must be very "in". Of course it's a dress up party and Chicken has decided to go as the Red Queen.

Chicken is very lovely and though she does have a big head she doesn't exactly resemble Helena Bonham Carter in the role of the Queen so we had to come up with something! We already had on hand a red velvety cape that our lovely Nanna had made for her years ago. It's a little on the small side now, but it will work great!

Of course I had to incorporate playing cards into the piece somehow so we got out one of the old plastic crowns from the costume box and went to work. First I tied some old white cotton strips of material around the base and then some red ribbon. I also had some little fake blue flowers on hand that I thought would look great as roses... so in the  very style of Alice in Wonderland, we painted the roses red!

This week my big brother moved house and as the landlord needed the place to look ship shape, he and his roommate spray painted the dead flowers outside. Classic. I really wanted to get a photo to share as it is in theme (somewhat) with this post but being lazy boys... you know how it goes..

Anyway... My Mummy Dear being the great card maker that she is went all theme-y too and made this lovely card to Chicken's friend. You can view how she made this card and see a gallery of all her other beautiful cards here.

After the paint had dried on the roses, I just wrapped their wire stems around the crown, stuck on a Queen of Hearts card and wallah! The Red Queen Crown is complete!

After I had finished this magnificent creation, little Chicken pushed a note underneath my door, and this is what it read... ahem "I'd like to remind you that you only have five days on the costume. Signed [Chicken]." "Chicken, Chicken!" I yelled. Chicken comes running, "yes". "That's rude... and besides I have already finished the crown! Taadaa." "Oooh it's beautiful..."


  1. I love her little note, so cute! You did an incredible job, it looks awesome. I haven't been to an Alice in Wonderland party and now I want to go to one. :)

    ~Meg @ "Through the Roses"

  2. I looove that movie. How fun for a party!


  3. This looks great! You are such a good sister.

  4. Love the story about your brother. Just classic!!

  5. Kirsty how adorable, you are really talented!

    I have as giveaway coming up so let your friends know!

    Art by Karena

  6. I find it interesting you have sisters named Cookie and Chicken!!! So cute.....the crown and card is adorable!

    Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by.

    Cindy (from Ontario)

  7. Hi - just wanted to say thanks for stopping by Sunny Bug. I'm in love with the little did a beautiful job.

  8. So creative, I love it! Thanks for your visit! Have a good day :)

  9. So creative, I love it! Thanks for your visit! Have a good day :)

  10. Haha! What smart boys to spray paint the flowers. :) Love the crown and glad your sister likes it!

    RYC: Sewing is super easy on a machine. :) Maybe take a sewing class?

  11. This is great! I love the crown and all the extras for the party.
    What a nice sister you are.

  12. Great crown Kirsty, can't wait to see the whole costume!

  13. The crown is lovely! I had to laugh out loud at the idea of spray-painting dead flowers. And although I laughed, I might have to keep that trick in my back pocket ...

  14. Hi Kirsty, Thanks for adding me. You need to check outa fanciful twist's Mad Tea Party. It's a very fun blog party that you could participate in next May. Anyways, here is the link.

    I put in an entry too.

    Take care, Katharine

    P.S. Your cat is gorgeous!!

  15. So creative and beautiful! :)

  16. I LOVE that you painted the flowers. My seven-year-old daughter is a Tim Burton freak and loves the new Alice in Wonderland.

  17. Unbelievably awesome! I love that crown. I'll have to keep this idea in mind come Halloween custome party time.

  18. following va lambAround's blog hop.
    awesome post.

    xxx love from the UK

  19. Visiting from the Blog Hops! Stop by when you get the chance. I have a Meet Me Monday blog hop and a Wandering Wednesday blop hop and I would love if you could join in.

  20. very lovely and creative crown! you did an absolute wonderful job.


  21. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop! Lovely blog you have:) You can find me at



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