
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Freebie Magazines

Yesterday I received a bag full of free magazines from the lovely Susann, a friend and colleague of Andi's. Don't you just love freebies? So exciting! I think I may be getting a little addicted to pouring through them. Apparently if I liked them and they were in the right style there are a few more bag fulls coming my way... YAY!

So far most of the magazines have been Country Living, Country Style and Laura Ashley plus a few other randoms that fit with the theme. The weather in Australia is gorgeous today (where I am anyway) especially considering it is the middle of winter. But the sun was out, there were no clouds to be seen and it was warm... very! So I have been sitting out on the balcony with my big stack of magazines, finding some inspiration and relaxing.

So far this morning I have perused through five of the magazines... after totally absorbing myself in them I figured I'd better come inside and leave some for later. I have collected a couple of images that I really fell in love with. Ok... so there were way more pictures than that they I absolutely loved... but here I am only going to showcase the ones that are in the style (I'm hoping) of the to-be home.

This pretty picture was taken from Australian Country Style, Field Trip, February 1997. Of course I'm not expecting my house to look like this... (well not straight away anyway hehe) but it has an essence of the look I want to go for. I love how white it is, and the flowers that hang off the beams. Does anyone have an idea as to what they may be? I'd love to know!

This one I have included because I am desperately wanting a claw foot tub! I haven't decided if I prefer white or black yet... but I figure I'll take anything I can get my hands on. As far as bathrooms go I love the whole classic look! We may or may not end up choosing the chequered floor but this is another idea, either that or some really big white or grey tiles. Australian Country Style, Live the Dream, April 2006.

Now don't get me wrong, I love these magazines but I will never let my blog turn into one of those places where people just upload photographs from magazines. Never, never, never. That's right, I'm keeping it real. haha.

Just so you know, I came across something very cool today that I thought some of you guys might want to have a look at! Recycled wine barrels as your wooden floor... it looks gorgeous! You can view it here.

Also if you're a magazine lover or you're in need of some light comedy you should check out Catalogue Living, if you haven't already done so.


  1. catalogue living is hilarious! i've had many similar thoughts while looking through ridiculously staged rooms in magazines. i really like the look of the wine barrel flooring! and oh to get lost in magazines... a favourite thing...

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)
    I love magazines, too. And Catalog Living is a scream! Haha

  3. I love magazines as well ~ a group of us at work 'recycle' our magazines by bringing them to work and trading them. More magazine enjoyment for less money! :)

    Your kitty is adorable!

    Have a Happy Day!

  4. Love your blog, and thanks for stopping by mine!

    I know the flowers hanging from the beam, but cant think of what they are called.. I will get back to you on that one!

  5. I love magazines as well but seldom read them anymore. At times, Amazon will do $5 subscription specials - worth checking out.


  6. I love looking at mags too and getting inspiration, even pottery barn catalogs are on my reading lists :) Thanks for stopping by my blog -- looks like a you have an amazing view on your balcony!

  7. Hi- I am visiting from the LBS tea party.
    I am a sucker for design magazines too, even though they always make me melancholy. I end up wishing that my house was different instead of getting inspired how to decorate it.
    Oh well!

  8. Love the pics of your reading area with your pretty kitty cat! Those salvaged barrel floors are really beautiful.

  9. I think the plant is wisteria - a fabulous and hardy climber. I pore over magazines and catalogs endlessly, and finally put all that "research" to good use when I designed and entire new kitchen last year - LOOOVE IT!!

  10. Thanks for stopping by! I loved your pictures. I am your newest follower!

  11. Oh! I love freebies, they're the best! I'm glad you enjoyed your magazines and again, thank you for stopping by! :) I am definitely following you now. That is so awesome how you're in Australia! :)

    PS. There's such thing as "punk country music"?

  12. Hi Kirsty! I'm so glad that you found my blog (thanks for leaving a sweet comment) - and now I've found yours! :) there anything better than sitting out on your deck on a beautiful day cruising through mag after mag. All those roomfuls of ideas just swirling around in your head waiting to be used in your own house. Love it!! :) Glad to meet you, and look forward to finding out what else we have in common!

    Great blog, btw!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  13. Thanks for visiting. We're your newest followers. :)

  14. Love the wine barrel idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  15. I like that idea for the wood floors! very cool!
    My aunt has lots of flowers hanging from her house and it looks so pretty!

  16. One of my most favorite things in the world to do is spend an rainy afternoon looking at decorating magazines and books....

  17. That's so funny! I just discovered that Country Living is a great magazine when I found a bunch of old ones at a B&B. I love their decoraing style - who knew!

  18. thanks for stopping by!
    I am a magazine freak!
    great that you got some for free I would hate to see how much $$$ I spend on them!


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