
Monday, August 23, 2010

Further Beach Strolling

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A few posts ago I showed you the pretty photographs I took on my stroll along the beach. They were the “red” photographs I took, with all the red and dark purple coloured seaweed.  Well as I promised, this is my “Blue” beach post.
You can view my “Red” Beach post here: Beach Strolling.
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In this set of photographs you can really see the country style as well as the coastal. I love driving up to this beach… you see the country with its horses, sheep and cows (I’m sure Andi is well and truly sick of my excitement and shouting out, “Look!” every time I see some kind of animal) and then suddenly you hit the beach.
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I just love how gorgeously blue this photo turned out. It almost makes me want to go for a swim… maybe not considering it’s winter time here.
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Luckily for me, once we hit the beach there was no shortage of animals. Instead of the sheep, horse and cows there were doggies!
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One of my favourite things about going to the beach is seeing how much fun the dogs have in the surf. Each wave brings a new joy.
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  1. This looks like a terrific and peaceful place to be. Glad you had a good time,


  2. The blue ones are very nice, but I must say, the red ones are very nice too!

  3. Such beautiful pictures - and I went to look at your "red" pictures, too! Such a contrast of color!

  4. These made me want to head to the beach!

  5. Great beach photos.. With a post like that you should link up at Watery Wednesday

  6. I'm a beachcomber from way back! Give me a beach any day and I'll be happy. Nice one.

  7. Beautiful series of photos. Your beach is very pretty and I love the blue colors of the sky and water.

  8. We had a lot of seaweed on our beaches too this year...thankfully the season has nearly ended. Love your pristine photographs...I love the sea.

    My Wednesday Photo Do stop by if you can!!

  9. gorgeous photos! you've captured the essence of the view :)! Good day

  10. A nice long walk on a beach sounds grrreat to me & that looks like a nice one!

  11. Wow. Beautiful photos!

    Kim Kircher

  12. Wow. Beautiful photos!

    Kim Kircher

  13. I love these! Makes me dream of fresh breezes and cool water. Contrast to boiling hot and humid Columbia

  14. Oh gosh, that's beautiful.
    I love the beach. Too bad we don't live closer to one...


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