
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Indiana & Luna

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Yesterday I made a new tab next to my other new tab! ^^ See, see? Aren't they cute! Well… the About Kirsty tab is all about me! And I suggest once you read this post, you take a look because I don’t have much for you today.
Today, as I am a busy girl, getting ready for Chicken’s Birthday, you will have to be content with some gorgeous kitty pictures! And content you shall be…
You all probably already know Indiana but I have not introduced to you, Luna.
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Luna was my brother’s cat, who now lives with a friend of his. For a long time she lived here, with us… and with her best friend, Indiana.
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my photos 020blog “In Love”
And now I will leave you with a few baby pictures of Indiana. I hope they will brighten your day! :)
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I hope that I have a very productive day and get so much done today that by tonight I end up looking something like this…
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  1. Good luck with preparing for the birthday party. Love the cat pics!


  2. Thank you for sharing your information in regards to Tags...
    Your cats are all so very cute~

    Also thank you so much for stopping by my blog~
    I am glad that you enjoyed my thoughts~

  3. OMG super cute! I have 2 kitties as well, just love em too bits!!


  4. OMG super cute! I have 2 kitties as well, just love em too bits!!


  5. oh just seeing your beautiful cats make me miss my Max so much. I had him for 18 1/2 years and I still miss him.
    Looking forward to "Frufru" Friday with you, Connie, and the rest of the ladies who have joined. Hugs, Pat

  6. Your kitten pictures are so adorable! I especially love that pic in a basket!

  7. I love animals so these pictures are right up my alley. Lovely.

  8. Hello, I found you through BF, I <3 the pictures of the kitties, they are absolutely adorable!

  9. nothing can cheer up a day like baby cats :)

  10. Oh Kirsty these are the sweetest pics... I love kitties... love that last one... I have felt like that many a night falling into bed. Good luck with your party, but most of all don't forget to have fun.

    Have a great day sweetie...

    Hugs, Deb

  11. I saw you as one of my followers on Blog Frog & I noticed that you are also a fellow SITS girl & Lady Bloggers Society! Have a wonderful day!

  12. Hi Kirsty,

    I am loving your blog! Your pictures are awesome and your blog makes me want to hug you for sharing your life with us through your words and lens.

    Have an awesome day,
    ps; following you back from blog frog ;)

  13. So cute! Great pictures!

  14. Hi Kirsty!

    Thanks for adding me as a friend on Blogfrog! It's lovely to make some new blog friends. I've been away for 2 weeks in holidays, so that's why I haven't visited until now.
    Your cats are absolutely gorgeous!!! I love cats, but don't have any now, we're simply away too much, we go to music events and other little things now and then. I'm looking forward to see more of yours though...:)

  15. Love your babies...I have 2 siamese that are great fun.

  16. Oh my gosh, cutest kittens EVER!

    I need to get my own place so I can get a kitty. :)

  17. You have such a lovely blog! Thank you for finding me on BlogFrog!

    This is the cutest post ever!! Your cats are gorgeous!

  18. Cute! I love kittens :) I just got a new one myself; they're such a joy. What breed is Indiana? Beautiful eyes..

  19. Oh how cute are they! I love kittens!

  20. Love your cat photos Kristy as I am a cat lover myself.

  21. Those are the cutest pics EVER! Love the "in love" one!

  22. Now I know what you meant about the blue eyes! Gorgeous kitty and looks very much like mine :)


    Thanks for stopping by at mine from the tea party :)

  23. How absolutely adorable! A siamese snowshoe, and a himilayan! I love them I have siamese myself and have been the proud owner of siamese kittens since 1970.

    Isn't it a coincidence that you have a cat named Indiana and I live near and work in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA!

    You can see my siamese on I haven't blogged in a while (shame on me!)


I love you for commenting!