
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chicken’s Birthday Party

This weekend it was Chicken’s Birthday!
The day was beautiful and we all played in the garden (Chicken on her brand new scooter). Then the afternoon came with the arrival of the sleepover guests... noisy!
It was all good fun… tiring, exhausting, crazy, wild fun… as it was Chicken’s first ever sleepover!
We played lots of party games, like pass the parcel and musical statues. This year Mummy could not find a pin the tail on the donkey game at the shops… so I made one instead!
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It’s called Pin the Party Hat on Chicken. I drew up a big Chicken, and cut out party hats and got the girls to decorate them. So much fun!
For prizes there were Smiggle stationary… which Chicken loves! Purple stationary is one of her favourite things. This reminds me of a Facebook status update posted by my friend, Becca. It was a quote from her boyfriend stating: "It takes a very SPECIAL kind of person to have to be banned from buying notebooks." You see, Becca has a stationary problem too.
Anyway, aside from making a Pin the Party Hat on Chicken game, I also made her a Birthday card and a little box to put it in.
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Mummy also made Chicken a Birthday Card, which she absolutely loved… obviously because of its purpleness.
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This is another card, made by our Aunty Kelly, who is quite the talented miss herself! I particularly love this one.

Happy Birthday Chicken!


  1. Awe...looks like she had an amazing birthday! Love all the game ideas and especially the name "chicken"! :D

  2. aw, i absolutely *adore* handmade cards. sounds like a fun (exhausting! boy do i understand that) time!

    ~ ana

  3. Looks like you guys had a great time!


  4. Oh, I wish I had been there.
    It sounds like such fun!
    Especially the sleepover part.
    Pillow fights are my favorite!

  5. Those are cute. Thanks for visiting me at The Blog Frog, I'm now following you here, drop by anytime at I'm giving away a scrapbook album so go see.


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