
Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Picnic

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Last week Andi told me that on the weekend we were going for a picnic. Sweet. We both took a ton of photos! And I’ve uploaded a few to show you.
This is the view of where we ate our bags of chips and coke…. *mouth waters*… mmm coca-cola!
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I think this guy wanted in on the action too… Would you like some Coke, Duck?
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This kids Dad was a real stickler for cleanliness.. He looked like a typical cool urban Dad… but when his Son got something on his jacket he said “Have you been rolling in something?” “No..” … here I was thinking this guy was a real laid back Dad… suddenly I was all… hmmm he doesn’t look like the type to care that his kid got his clothes dirty, having fun!… “Well you’ve got duck shit all over yourself.” … Oh… my mistake… =D
Picture 437blogpicnicDisclaimer:
No animals were harmed in the making of this post. Kirsty Girl © does not recommend feeding Coca-Cola to ducks.


  1. Nice pictures! Thanks for adding me on Blog Frog. Have a great day!

  2. ~I~ love the ducks/birds.
    You crack me up.8>

  3. I love to go on a picnic again one day!

  4. What beautiful photos. They have an ethereal look. Manzanita

  5. I haven't been on a picnic in quite awhile. Great pictures!


  6. What a beautiful place for a picnic, I especially love that bridge!! The ducks at our park are not so nice, they will chase you down!! I'm a new follower to your blog, would love to have you stop by & follow mine as well!! It's at justkiddingaroundatlanta.blogspot.
    Hope you have a beautiful day!!

  7. Hi Kirsty, Looks like a good place to have a picnic... Great pictures... I love the way that bridge is made. Reminds me a little of one of the bridges near here in our state park.

    Those ducks just wanted to be your friends --AND eat your dinner... ha


  8. Great pics!! Makes me homesick lol.
    Always a great spot for photography!! :-)

  9. What great pictures!!!

    And your post made me laugh out loud...when I read what the dad said and then your thoughts. WHOOPS!!! Hate it when that happens :)

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today.

    My daughter Liz and I really enjoyed your "kitty" pictures :) We will be back!!!


  10. I love Coca Cola! Heck, been drinking since I was a baby according to my mom. Sad to say, she even has my toddler drinking Coke. The story about the Dad had me cracking up. Hope you had a great picnic. Thanks for following me on BlogFrog!

  11. i found you through blogfrog! i adore your blog!! can't wait to follow your adventures! :)

  12. Looks like a lovely day out! :) Looking forward to my own picnic this weekend! :)

  13. What a lovely lovely blog. I was just going through my way-too-deep inbox and discovered that you'd found me on blogfrog a while back. What a great blog you have! I'm enjoying myself greatly. OK, off to read more and just say "hi!"
    Rosie Girl Dreams

  14. wow! love the pictures! neat idea for a blog, too.

  15. Picnins are so sweet. Looked like a great day for it! Love the duck,and dad story. lol
    Hope you dont mind if I follow!

  16. Great photos! Gotta laugh at your "duck conversation"! We have a ton of ducks at our house too, but I have to admit that your scenery is prettier! Ducks are much nicer in a pastoral setting, rather than pooping all over your front porch!!! ;^)

    Have a fantastic day!


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