
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Beachscape in Oil

Beachscape #3
So finally, finally, I have completed another painting. I think I am getting better at photographing them too, it’s still unbelievably tricky to get close to the colours in the painting but I think I’m preeeetty close with this one. Though the water is probably more green, turquoise, bright, in the real deal and the sand is darker and not so yellow. But otherwise I think I’ve done the sky and mountain justice.

I think this next photo is a little more accurate still. Of course, all feedback is greatly appreciated. I’d love to know what you think.

Beachscape #2
If you haven’t been following me since the very beginning you can take a look at my other paintings here: Oil on Canvas, Crayfish Creek Landscape, a Walk and a Thank you and Crayfish Creek Landscape.
Go on, you know you want to!

Linking up to 504 Main and Chic on a Shoestring.


  1. Wow! You are so talented!! I love your paintings! I took a look back at your work. Love it! Can't wait to see more :)

  2. Wonderful colors in your work...

  3. ~*~You are so talented Kirsty!! Great job~*~* Hugs,Rachel

  4. Kirsty I love your paintings, and the one from Crayfish Creek is amazing.. Congrats on all of them..
    Well done :))
    Hugs pat in tas :))

  5. Beautiful, Kirsty! Thanks for stopping by to visit today...I loved browsing your lovely blog too. You are quite an artist! :)

  6. I just got notification that you are following me on blogfrog. I gotta' tell you...I don't do much with blogfrog. I don't really understand how it works. I am on blogger, though, and I post there every day if you are interested.
    Nice painting, by the way. I like your depiction of the trees.

  7. I just got notification that you are following me on blogfrog. I gotta' tell you...I don't do much with blogfrog. I don't really understand how it works. I am on blogger, though, and I post there every day if you are interested.
    Nice painting, by the way. I like your depiction of the trees.

  8. I really like it, it reminds me of Gauguin, my fav artist ;)

  9. WOW! Every time I visit your blog, there is something new here that knocks my socks off.
    Thanks so much for linking up to Not "Baaad" Sundays! You were nominated for Best in Show this week - stop by and vote :)

  10. I love it! You did a fabulous job, the colors are gorgeous! XX!

  11. great talent. need more to see. rose

  12. Yes, you're talented! Nice photos, nice painting

  13. Wow, that is a great piece! You are very talented.

    Even if the colors aren't exact in the photo, it still looks good!!

  14. Lovely painting, talented young lady you are. I see nothing wrong with the picture, maybe I just do not know what the painting looks like in real life. but I think you have done a fabulous job. Normally when I draw something I have to write next to it what it is so people will know what it is I have drawn.

    Hope your week starts off well.


  15. Amazing painting. You are very talented. I only wish I had a speck of that talent for painting.

  16. great job kirsty, i love it. the bold colours are fantastic!

  17. The painting is gorgeous, and even the picture of the painting is great! (nice shot with the poster in the back). You've got quite some talent, girl! ;)

  18. I love your style. It is gorgeous. I think you did a nice job photographing it...sometimes it is so hard to photographs art (and crafts).

  19. This is beautiful!! Thanks for the comment on my "NOEL" sign. I love your blog!

  20. You truly are a Kreative Blogger!!


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