
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Octopus Tree

Okay so today I really want to show you a couple of photos that Andi took when on our walk along Mt. Wellington. You can see my other posts too, A Walk on Mt. Wellington and Destination: Mt. Wellington. You can also view Andi’s blog here at Shameless Self-Promotion or see his magnificent Flickr stream here. Sorry about all those links, but links are our Bloggy FRIENDS!

I LOVE this shot, it’s so dark and eerie. Beautiful. But really what I wanted to show was a photo of The Octopus Tree! There is a tree, situated on top of an enormous rock, with huge limbs that reach down to the ground. Many of them, hence the Octopus. If anyone has any understanding of how a tree could begin to grow on this huge rock, please comment and let me know. Because I would sure like to know too!


Linking up with Chic on a Shoestring and 504 Main, LambAround and Serenity Now


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Love the tree...very cool looking!
    I'm a new follower from blogfrog.

  2. Wow...that's amazing! Great photos, as always.

  3. That first shot is amazing!!! Looks like something out of a storybook. :) Thanks for linking up with me!

  4. Oooooh, spooky! I love the name of this post :)

  5. I love weird nature stuff! This is right up there! Cool!

  6. Kirsty
    You are right I haven't ever seen anything like this lol

  7. I love the octopus tree! So fun, nature is so fascinating!!


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