
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meet Tinkle

Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #13
Today I would like to introduce you all to, Tinkle. No we have not gotten a new kitten, this is in fact our neighbours cat. We do not at all know our neighbours, however; we know their cat intimately.
Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #9
Don’t get me wrong, the name Tinkle, is nice enough, but no, you dirty minded people, he did not have a little accident to acquire this name. The girls named him Tinkle because of the little bell he used to wear as a kitten. Of course it’s gone now, Tinkle has no collar at all, I’m sure he knows why.
He? In fact I have no idea whether Tinkle is a girl or boy. I’ve always assumed he was male ever since I first saw him, but I have no evidence to back my assumption up.
 Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #14
Cookie and I had the most fun playing with Tinkle in our backyard the other day. It was bright and sunny and a beautiful day for a laze or for attacking lizards, you know, the norm.
 Tinkle 5th Nov 2010 #20
Please no one attempt to attack lizards. It is a cruel activity and you should not try it.
Kirsty Girl © does not condone messing with lizards or any other animal.


  1. Cute post! I really love your images. Tinkle is more than adorable.

  2. Tinkle is darling! We have Siamese cats, I love anything with a black face and white fur! XX!

  3. back from a trip. cute post. do you take care of this "visiting cat"?

  4. My folks raised Siamese cats when we were kids. The pics bring back great memories. Love to see the sunshine and green grass. Getting dismal here.

  5. Tinkle must feel quite at home at your place.. We have about 4 different cats that visit, all beautiful.. Love the pics..:))

  6. Tinkle is gorgeous and looks very comfortable at your place....our neighbours had a very elderly cat which adopted us and sat outside our house and sang off key to us every morning! Thank goodness it wasn't a Rottweiler dog.
    I thought your photos were super too. See you at the next LBS party....check your feeds :)

  7. The best part of a neighbor's cat - you can love on them and send them home with no litter box or feeding responsibilities! Give some love to Mr./Ms. Tinkle for me!

  8. I am not a cat person but Tinkle is pretty cute. Your photos of him/her hanging out in the yard are fabulous. That is the thing I do not get about cats...why is it OK for them to be in my yard. I have cats in my yard all day long and they drive my dog nuts...If I let me dog in someone;s yard they would not be happy. OK, that's my rant!

  9. Kirsty, I love you blog it's so beautiful. Tinkle is adorable! I've always wanted a hymalayan cat.
    Is tinkle affectionate, I love snuggly cats:)) I need a daily dose of kitty love or I get cranky:))


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