
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Destination: Mt. Wellington

Mt. Wellington Track #7
Here’s Andi taking a picture while telling me to hurry up. I was a bit slow because I was taking so many photographs, but I couldn’t help it! It was too pretty not to!
So we reached our picnic destination after the beautiful walk I showed last post, A Walk on Mt. Wellington. And this is what I got to look at, while munching down some salt & vinegar chips, dark chocolate, Coca~Cola and Chocolate soy milk. Yes, I did feel sick walking back. haha
Mt. Wellington Track #8
This was the view from behind us, looking up the mountain to the organ pipes. Here’s a close up:
Mt. Wellington Track #9Beautiful
And here is the view in front…
Mt. Wellington Track #11 
I’m loving this next picture, the contrast is pretty awesome… Even if I do say so myself.
Mt. Wellington Track #10
Hope you all go and enjoy some nature today!


  1. Hi Kirsty,

    Love your Tiffany Lamp in your header. I have an addiction to them . . too many of them. Mt. Wellington is very pretty . . I know I would get so lost. Have a happy Thursday, Sandy:O)

  2. What a beautiful place to take a walk! Your pictures are lovely! If we go hiking together I'll be sure to pack my own snacks though! ;-)

    Kat :)

  3. Kirsty, thanks so much for dropping by to visit my blog and your sweet comments.

    Oh, how I love these gorgeous views on your post today! Simply magnificent. Looks like you two had a great time visiting Mt. Wellington, and you got some great captures there.


    Sheila :-)

  4. Hey Kirsty,

    I like youre fotos too. What a wonderfull country is Australia.. and through youre pictures I can have part of it in Germany.

    How did you find my blog? Thanks for youre comment and sorry for my english.


  5. Wow, breath taking! Your photos are fantastic. Look forward to seeing more. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. So beautiful. Love your munching down style...

    Thank you for stopping by yesterday.

  7. Hi Kirsty,
    Your photos are so gorgeous, last post and this one. Mt. Wellington looks to be a beautiful place to visit, I can see why you couldn't stop taking photos!
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. What a lovely way to spend the day, Kirsty! What a beautiful place, and your pictures just wonderful! :)

  9. Such a beautiful area! Maybe some day I'll get there. Love your photos!

  10. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for taking us along to enjoy the view! :)


  11. Magnificent spot Kirsty! Wonderful photos! xo

  12. That is gorgeous. Your snack...interesting. I like all of those things, just maybe not all together!


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