
Friday, January 21, 2011

1st Holga Beach Shots

Beach shots #2 for 1
Today I was going to upload a photograph of my new camera that Emma gave me, so I could tell you all about it but Andi borrowed my cable so I can’t put them on the computer or “puter” as Cookie would call it.

So instead, I have some photos of what this little baby can do! I am absolutely in love with this camera and my first roll of film.

beach shots #6 for 1
Andi and I went on a road trip over the holidays and found this pretty spot. I am so happy with the pictures I was able to take here. I have such a love of taking photos of boats!

beach shots #7 for 1
Here’s a pic I got of the magnificent Andi. I think I may need to frame this one! It’s gorgeous!

beach shots #11 for 1

Linking up with 504 Main, A Beach Cottage, Chic on a Shoestring, LambAround and Serenity Now.


  1. i love them! so cool.
    and the colors, the place, SO beautiful. :)

  2. LOVE it... these are amazing shots!

  3. What a pretty place. Love the picture of the stairs.

  4. Kirsty, you are very gifted!! I really really like the shot of the boats. :) What a fun road trip! Thanks for linking up to my party. :)

  5. Hi Kirsty! Lovely snaps and what pretty scenery.
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Just found your blog! Love it all!

    Check me out:

  7. Great pics, Kirsty!
    Have a great week!
    ~ Jo :)


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