
Friday, January 28, 2011

2nd Holga Beach Shots

beach shots #5 for 2
*Squeeel* look at the pretty colours!

So here’s another post with some shots I uploaded from my new Holga. You can see my first post here. I can not get over the colours and vintag-y feel this camera gives, as well as the blacked out corners. Whenever I go through this first roll of film I have such an urge to try and recapture it through my oil paintings. That would be tricky! Maybe once I finally finish Marilyn.

beach shots #1 for 2
This next shot is the very first double exposure I have ever taken. Hopefully you can tell what it is! If not, it’s of the lines in the sand and the clouds in the sky.

beach shots #4 for 2

Linking up with A Beach Cottage, Chic on a Shoestring504 Main and Serenity Now


  1. absolutely gorgeous shots! I so need a holga camera - looks like so much fun! :o)

  2. Great stuff Kirsty!! love love love the first shot! Glad you are happy with the camera :)

  3. Very cool! Found you through the LBS tea party this morning. I love the vintage photography and will have to investigate Holga. Thanks for sharing your art!

  4. I have got to get this such amazing pictures. New Follower from Lady Blogger Tea Party, hope you will check my blog and follow me too!

  5. Beautiful photos! Thank you for stopping by my blog. i had to come check you out. I love looking at photos they seem to transport me where ever they are. My favorite is the top one. Learning about camaras had no idea that camaras really mad ethat much difference but Im learning they do. Im wanting a new one myself. But... it will have to wait. Have a blessed weekend

  6. Great shots!!! I think the first one is my favorite...looks like you're getting some great practice with your camera. :)

  7. love the pictures! keep up the nice shots!

  8. I love it! I am down with the Hipstamatic myself! XX!

  9. How fun! I love the vintagey feel and the double exposure turned out cool!

  10. I love the shot with the sky reflected in the water with the rippled sand beneath - really cool - great eye!

  11. The double exposure shot is way cool. You have a really great eye.


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