
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holga Beach Shots III

beach shots #8 for 3
Okay, so this is the last post I will have for you with my first roll of beachy Holga film. These are some of my favourite photos though.
I do believe Andi took the first two. I wish I had, I saw the potential first, but he was holding the camera! Oh well.

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I absolutely love this shot. It’s pretty much perfection in my book. Not that I have a book… yet.

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Now I’ll leave you with (not the best shot in the world but) a cute one of a little friend I made. Can you see him?

beach shots #10 for 3

Linking up to A Beach CottageSerenity Now504 Main, Lady Bloggers and LambAround.


  1. I love your beach shots. I have to agree with you on the diggy shot. It is perfection. Have a wonderful evening. Blessings

  2. Beautiful...I so enjoy traveling through your photos. Sorry I have been so absent...just too much happening here. Getting ready to calm down (oh now I jinxed myself!)

  3. I hope you've printed some of these to frame! They are great. :)

  4. These are so pretty! And they really make me wish I was someplace warmer...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  5. Such wonderful photos! Looking good to me there. It's cold here in Texas!

  6. Beautiful! Love the rest of your photo's as well. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment :)

  7. Kirsty dear, thank you for visiting me! What a great blog you have; we here in Minnesota could use a getaway like this today. IT WILL BE MINUS 30, FARENHEIT! Away I go to your neck of the woods! Ciao, Anita

  8. absolutely gorgeous!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous. Love your blog. Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas:-)

  10. Your beach shots are all superb AND your blog is lovely!

    I'm a new follower from A Beach Cottage - Good Life Wednesday.

    I hope you get a chance to visit our coastal lifestyle blog sometime:

  11. Wow you got some great shots - love the colors!

    Thanks for stopping by - so true, it's all about the journey in getting to your destination!

  12. Beautiful pictures! Warms my heart on this freezing cold NYC weather! :)

  13. I'm going to love looking at your beach shots! Especially since we have snow on the ground (rare around here). I think your pix are amazing! Such color! Thanks for visiting my blog today & commenting!!

  14. You need to set up your own special Flickr account or something to share with other photographers. I really do think you have some talent going on. :) Thanks so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :)

  15. Love your Holga pictures, specially the second one with the boat....perfect

  16. I just love these beach shots, I'm yearning for summer!


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