
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Duke & the Monk’s House

Duke & the Monk's House #2
I have taken some pretty photos of Duke and turned them Black & White. I thought they looked pretty great both ways but they’re a little more dramatic this way.

These are a few photos of Duke watching the Monk’s House out the window. They’ve often starred out the window at us and now Duke is paying them back. Karma.

Duke & the Monk's House #3

Duke & the Monk's House #1

Linking up to: A Beach Cottage.


  1. Thanks for popping in. I just hopped on over to see what you are up to - I am LOVING your photography style! It looks so pretty and vintage inspired. I am in the process of getting my photo page up and running. Would love to hear your feedback once I do! :)

  2. Love how vintage the old Monk's house looks in the background of that last shot!! Makes me miss that old house....

  3. Hi Kirsty, thanks for commenting on my blog. Your photography is great. I want to have more of a look around

    Lisa x

  4. Great photos. Looking forward to seeing more of your blog.
    X Marnie from 3Pickles - Australia

  5. Aww, those photos are fantastic! I love the last one - cute cat. :)

    -Lola (blogfrog member)

  6. Thanks for BFFing me on blogfrog. I am now GFC following you back! (I am new to this and couldn't figure out what BFF/blogfrog was.... is it the same as GFC somehow?)

    I love your photos and your sense of style!

  7. Love your photos, they really speak to me, you really have a great eye for it. Found you through BF...I'll be following along.

  8. I love black & white photos. These are great... cute kitty! :)


I love you for commenting!