
Friday, January 28, 2011

2nd Holga Beach Shots

beach shots #5 for 2
*Squeeel* look at the pretty colours!

So here’s another post with some shots I uploaded from my new Holga. You can see my first post here. I can not get over the colours and vintag-y feel this camera gives, as well as the blacked out corners. Whenever I go through this first roll of film I have such an urge to try and recapture it through my oil paintings. That would be tricky! Maybe once I finally finish Marilyn.

beach shots #1 for 2
This next shot is the very first double exposure I have ever taken. Hopefully you can tell what it is! If not, it’s of the lines in the sand and the clouds in the sky.

beach shots #4 for 2

Linking up with A Beach Cottage, Chic on a Shoestring504 Main and Serenity Now

Friday, January 21, 2011

1st Holga Beach Shots

Beach shots #2 for 1
Today I was going to upload a photograph of my new camera that Emma gave me, so I could tell you all about it but Andi borrowed my cable so I can’t put them on the computer or “puter” as Cookie would call it.

So instead, I have some photos of what this little baby can do! I am absolutely in love with this camera and my first roll of film.

beach shots #6 for 1
Andi and I went on a road trip over the holidays and found this pretty spot. I am so happy with the pictures I was able to take here. I have such a love of taking photos of boats!

beach shots #7 for 1
Here’s a pic I got of the magnificent Andi. I think I may need to frame this one! It’s gorgeous!

beach shots #11 for 1

Linking up with 504 Main, A Beach Cottage, Chic on a Shoestring, LambAround and Serenity Now.

Monday, January 17, 2011


kites #1
For Christmas, Andi and I bought Cookie and Chicken some kites. Chicken, here got a purple butterfly and Cookie got a big red Lady Bird. We had a great day flying them at the park but unfortunately Cookies’ kite wasn’t having much luck staying in the air.
These are a couple of shots I took with the new toy camera I was given by the lovely Emma. (You should check out her site here, she is a professional photographer and takes amazing shots).

I have pretty much fallen in love with my new camera, but I’ll tell you more about that later. For now I will leave you with a shot of Cookie, idly waiting for a turn. What a good girl.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Weeds are Flowers Too

weeds are flowers too #1
Yesterday I went out to take some photos at the top of the hill, amongst the native trees and the naughty weeds.

weeds are flowers #3
weeds are flowers too #2
“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.”  - Eeyore.