
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The 1st Kirsty Girl Linky Party @ The Officer’s Quarters {Port Arthur}

Officers' Quarters Port Arthur #39

Today I have something a little different for you! I have been toying with the idea of starting my own blog party for a while now and I finally perked up the courage to give it a try. So to reward me for my bravery you all better link up!

If all goes well over the next few weeks the Kirsty Girl linky party will be a weekly deal. Generally posted on an Australian Tuesday! That’s Monday for most of you! I wanted to start one earlier in the week in order for my party people to link up their first post of the week or something from the week before that needs some more love.

I know a lot of blogs out there do weekly highlights from their parties. But I wanted it to be a little more special. Let’s not say less generous, but it will be a rarer occasion to be featured at Kirsty Girl. I will only showcase things I fall absolutely in love with. And if deemed true love I may just make a new tab to show my collection of loves.

Officers' Quarters Port Arthur #37 
Please link up your latest post or one that you’re proud of that you think deserves more traffic! Of course other than the pure joy of being a social butterfly on the internet the wonderful thing about linky’s is getting more traffic and attention to your blog!

Of course in the style of linky parties everywhere, I ask you to pretty please include a link back to Kirsty Girl or add my button to your post or sidebar.

Kirsty Girl  

The only rules I have as to the contents of your post; let it be clean and vegan (meaning absolutely NO hunting, recipe’s with animal content or fur). That’s right I want my party to be absolutely cruelty-free!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, these are some photos of the Officer’s Quarters in Port Arthur. Now get to linking and enjoy yourselves!

Officers' Quarters Port Arthur #40
Officers' Quarters Port Arthur #38
Of course you do not HAVE to visit others, I know we all lead ridiculously busy lives, but I give you my permission to take a break, get yourself a coffee (non-dairy obviously) and sit yourself down to enjoy the linky love!

Just a few notes:
Please link to the url of the post you want, not just your blog.
Please link back to me!
Please follow or subscribe (this is not a requirement but I would love it and it would make it easier for you to come back and link up again!)
By linking up you are permitting me to feature your blog
Please no spam or rebelling against the rules, I have the right to remove your link.

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. Hello!!! I always love your photos! Thanks for hosting this linky!!

  2. thanks Kirst girl!
    Have to say, love that you're vegan, been hoping to do that myself. Have been vegetarian for about 6 years now. I don't drink milk at all, cheese is my weeknes, and yoghurt. Although I substitute with soya yoghurt of which the flavours in South Africa are disastrously limited, but it's ok. Cheese we have no substitute for, so I limit it immensely and I am already of white cheese. What's the other thing? oh, I don't do leather, although I did not throw out the stuff that I had, which was mainly my boots. So maybe you could give me some advice, nadya at journey-keeper dot com, if you would like to aid my transition.

  3. PS - my daughter is being raised vegan. She is 2 years old, and the toughest thing at the moment is dealing with school meals because she does not want to be left out or be different. We do what we can, and trust the rest will be ok.

  4. Wow, that you for stopping by! Always nice to meet someone new. I have to admit, I am not very educated on the whole vegan concept. We do love to eat meat, but I totally respect all walks and ways of doing things. Kudos to you and your efforts. I hope I didn't offend, I am totally intrigued :) Best, Kelly

  5. Thanks for stopping by, leaving such lovely comment! Great idea you´ve got going on! Good luck to you!
    Kind regards

  6. Thanks for stopping by, leaving such lovely comment! Great idea you´ve got going on! Good luck to you!
    Kind regards

  7. Hi, I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I am a new follower! :) love your blog!Erin

  8. Dear Kirsty! Thank you for visiting me! It is always wonderful to meet new people. Please come again! Anita

  9. Hi love your pictures, following you from all over (blogfrog, FB etc).
    I am a no frills mama and grandma and love vegen....

  10. Congrats on your new linky party. I love Port Arthur too

    Best wishes Carolyn

  11. Hope the linky party goes well....Many thanks for stopping by and then taking the time to comment it is very kind. See you again soon here!

  12. I love your idea of a cruelty-free linky party - I just linked up! I eat a vegan diet five days a week, but I've been a vegetarian for 37 years. My kids are both lifelong vegetarians. Deb @

  13. This is my first linky party!

    I love your blog and your pictures. I'm still trying to figure out how to add pics to mine, LOL.

    Good luck with your linky party.

  14. Oh...a vegan linky..that may be a might get some great recipes too...yum! Congrats on your first linky party!

  15. Thanks for the info on my link....dont know what happened. Of course I couldnt find a way to edit; so I entered it again (this times it works) I tried deleting #5 but couldnt do it..I am at a loss, unless you can delete that one for me....thanks again...

  16. Thanks for your comments and thanks for hosting!
    x Marnie

  17. Coming over from Blog Frog. Love your photos and thanks for hosting this linky party! :)


  18. Those are such a beautiful photos. Have a fantastic Monday, my dear


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