
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mason Cove {Port Arthur}

Mason Cove Port Arthur #19

These photos are of Mason Cove, once again from the historic site of Port Arthur. I love these shots and how blue they are. I’m always amazed at what a little camera phone can do!

Mason Cove Port Arthur #30
The peninsula was a naturally secure site, much like Alcatraz in that it was meant to be an inescapable prison. Of course, some got away but most who tried would have been caught and lashed.

One escape attempt was made by George “Billy” Hunt, who tried to disguise himself using a dead kangaroo… he gave himself up when the starved guards started shooting in need of a meal. Billy reportedly received 150 lashes. Ouch.

Mason Cove Port Arthur #34
Of course this water was told to be shark infested, whether that was the case or not I’m sure it helped deter prisoners from trying to escape.

Mason Cove Port Arthur #33
A little past this point to the left is The Isle of the Dead. Visitors can now get a short ferry ride and tour there. I’ve been twice. I think you can decide for yourself what the Isle of the Dead is.

Mason Cove Port Arthur #32
Mason Cove Port Arthur #35
This photo is a little blurry but I just had to include it because of the colour of the water. Isn’t it beautiful? This is very much how it looked the day Andi and I went. So pretty. Across the water you can see the ferry just leaving for the Isle of the Dead.

Mason Cove Port Arthur #31
You can learn more about this at the 

And here are my other posts on the subject, in case you missed them:


  1. wow, those are great photos even before you told us it was off your phone, looks like a delightful place to visit

  2. I loved viewing your tour of the area....incredible photos.

    My Flaunt It link: A Beautiful Girl

    Do stop by if you get a chance to visit. Happy Happy Rango Weekend.

  3. I can't believe you took those with a camera phone!!! Wowzah!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow!
    I can't believe those photos are from a camera phone!

  6. Beautiful photos from your phone! Thanks for sharing your daily adventures!

    Rambles with Reese

  7. It is great when far from home, to see someone trekking around one of our most scenic but eerie spots down there in Oz. I have not been there yet, but as an Australian history teacher, I think it is a must see! Thanks, Rachael.

  8. Thanks for the tour... beautiful pictures! :)
    ~ Jo

  9. These are beautiful pictures, that water is amazing! I am enjoying your posts, I love to see and learn all about the history of places.

  10. Those photos are totally amazing, sweetie. Hugs and kisses


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