
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2nd Penitentiary & a Linky Party

Penitentiary Port Arthur #21 
I have thought up quite a few posts lately that I wanted to show you all but because I am a very busy bee today I will show you some more beautiful shots of the Port Arthur Penitentiary that we took with Andi’s phone.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #16 
Penitentiary Port Arthur #24
But before we get partying I would like to open your eyes to the many wonders of a linky party. A very odd thing has happened with my party’s, something I have not heard of happening before.

Penitentiary Port Arthur #18
Not many of you are linking up. Why? I haven’t a clue. But a LOT of you are viewing the few links there are. I have had most everyone that has joined my linky parties tell me just how much more traffic and even followers they have been getting from linking up here.

I have a couple of posts about linky parties in my community at the moment if you’re interested. This one is about what I’ve just discussed:


Linky Parties, love em or hate em?

So I have just posted my first ever linky party!
I'm very excited. I love linky parties and the traffic that comes with them.
Do you ever join them? What are your favs?

Please join mine, I'd LOVE it!


And this one is all about linky parties, there are even instructions on how to link up and what a linky party is:


Linky Party Info!

So.. recently I have started hosting my own blog linky parties at Kirsty Girl and I have found that I don't get too many links. Normally about 8, though today I have only just hosted my 3rd party so maybe I'm getting a head of myself here, but though I don't get many links, I do give these links quite a bump in traffic (so they say) and I get many comments on the links from my 400+ followers so I know they're being viewed and commented on.

This strikes me as somewhat strange!
If you're getting a bump in traffic and more comments etc. which let's face it is the whole point of joining a linky party then why wouldn't you link up?

What has someone got to lose?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you hosted a linky party yourself? What was the outcome?


Penitentiary Port Arthur #26
Ok! On to the party! Woo Woo! Just remember only link up cruelty-free projects, photo’s, anything you love to blog about! That means no un-vegan recipe’s, fur fashion finds or hunting posts! Just keep it clean and cruelty-free!

Just a few notes:
Please link to the url of the post you want, not just your blog.
Please link back to me!
Please follow or subscribe (this is not a requirement but I would love it and it would make it easier for you to come back and link up again!)
By linking up you are permitting me to feature your blog
Please no spam or rebelling against the rules, I have the right to remove your link.

Now grab my button and get partay-ing!

Kirsty Girl  

Linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. I love your linky parties Kirsty!
    And I posted one specially for you!

    Oh, and by the by: Those photos were taken with a phone? Very nice! They are really lovely photos.

    * hugs *

  2. What an awesome backdrop that gorgeous brick makes!

  3. Still loving these beautiful pictures, the sky is so blue in that first one! And I can't believe how great they turned out with a phone!
    I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  4. Kirsty,
    These pictures are magificant! I love viewing photographs that are given that ancient look. I cannot believe they were taken with a phone!

    I would love to know more information about these linky parties, I had seen the instructions and what not and was wondering if this something that is done here on your blog or through something else.

    Just let me know hope to hear from you soon!

  5. Wow! It's hard to believe you took those photos with a phone, Kirsty - gorgeous! I've noticed that it takes awhile for linky parties to build in numbers of participants. So hopefully your awesome linky party will just become more and more popular! Deb @

  6. Hi! Just stopping by from Sarah's linky! that underwater shot is way cool!

  7. What an interesting place. Even though it must hold some horrible stories, it is almost beautiful.


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