
Friday, March 25, 2011

Janet Hill Oil Paints & Prints

Yesterday it was announced that little ol’ me was the winner of a fabulous giveaway over at The Empty Nest! Yay! I was lucky enough to win my choice of print from Janet Hill’s Etsy store.

All of the prints are of Janet’s original oil paintings. Not only was I more than happy to win I also got to take away so much inspiration for my own oil paintings with me.

This portrait is what first captured me. I just love the delicately soft lines and tones. So pretty. I think next time I do a portrait I might try going a little softer myself, think more Janet Hill less Andy Warhol. I just love playing around with different styles. I’m not sure that I’ll ever be able to stick to one.

I had such a hard time of choosing, of course I had to consult Andi and we both agreed that this was one of our favourites!

The beach house, the boat, pretty awesome right? But in the end I had to go with this little baby here:

Can’t you just picture it in a beautiful white country kitchen in Australia? I can!

If you click on any of the pictures above you will go straight to Janet Hill’s Etsy shop for that image or of course click anywhere you see the name Janet in this post and you’ll go there too! Excellent! I love links!


  1. That is definitely one lucky win! What gorgeous paintings!

  2. I love the picture with the woman, I love how the dress compliments her tone and curtain behind her. I would definitely hang the country kitchen in my kitchen!

  3. What great art! I adore that top one with the dresses...I am inspired by it! Congrats on your win! You selected a great one too!

  4. They're so lovely! The last two are my favourites, I think you chose well! :)

  5. Morning Kirsty,
    Just got an e-mail from Janet and she will be mailing you your beautiful print ASAP. I hope you think of her and me everytime you look at it. I love my Janet Hill prints that I have in my new kitchen. I know you will really enjoy yours also. You picked a beauty...but then they all are!

    Have a lovely weekend and thanks again for entering my giveaway.

    janet xox

  6. wow great work, I love them all!

  7. how fun! what a win--so pretty~

  8. those are gorgeous!!!
    thanks a lot for visiting!

  9. Those are gorgeous--I might have to stop into that shop!

  10. they are absolutely inspired! So glad you were able to win one. I must say that the sad thing about most blog give aways and competitions, is that they usually only ship to US and Canada. Being from South Africa, I usually miss out.

    But I share your joy and I hope you post a pic as soon as it is hung.


  11. Congrats Kirsty. You deserve to win and they are all beautiful.. I am off to Janet's etsy for a look. Looking forward to your party tomorrow.
    Best Carolyn

  12. um WOW ! these are gorgeous! such amazing artwork!

  13. Congrats!! They are all so gorgeous, I can see why you had a hard time choosing and I love the one that you ended up with, beautiful!!

  14. You are so lucky! The colours in those prints are so vibrant! Thanks for the visit to my blog!

  15. I know her work and I like it. So femenine...

  16. You're a very lucky winner! I've bookmarked her etsy show a long long time ago, I love her work!

  17. WOW! I love her way with colors and the feeling of simplicity and ease I get while looking at each one. They are relaxing just to look at them! So cool!


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