
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Linky Party & Government Cottage Featuring Le Chaise Parfait

Government Cottage Port Arthur #14
This is the gorgeous green view from the Government Cottage in Port Arthur. I love the sky and shadow in this photo. And here are the ruins:

Government Cottage Port Arthur #13
As always, if you have missed my series of posts on Port Arthur here they are:

Now on to my feature! I know I said it would be a rarity to be featured on my blog but I had to share this one with you! Cindy at Le Chaise Parfait linked up to my linky party last week and her tutorial on a Ruffle Back Chair she made is amazing!

I really don’t think much needs to be said other than, there is absolutely NO SEWING involved!

ruffle back chair 2
ruffle back chair 3
ruffle back chair   
Now head on over to Le Chaise Parfait’s tutorial and check out the before and after pics!

Linky Party

Now it’s your turn to link up to this weeks party! Woo! Just remember only link up cruelty-free projects, photo’s, anything you love to blog about! That means no un-vegan recipe’s, fur fashion finds or hunting posts! Just keep it clean and cruelty-free!

Just a few notes:
Please link to the url of the post you want, not just your blog.
Please link back to me!
Please follow or subscribe (this is not a requirement but I would love it and it would make it easier for you to come back and link up again!)
By linking up you are permitting me to feature your blog
Please no spam or rebelling against the rules, I have the right to remove your link.

Please grab my button here and link up!

Kirsty Girl  

linking up with: A Beach Cottage


  1. That chair is absolutely beautiful! :)

  2. Kirsty, you are too kind and thank you for featuring me on your lovely blog.

  3. Beautiful photos! And I did see Cindy's chair and thought the same thing. Amazing and adorable!

  4. That chair is so beautiful! I've never seen a chair like that before. Thanks for the link! :)

  5. Great photos of Port Arthur Kirsty! And that chair ruffled up my attention. Thanks for stopping by my blog, you're a good egg!
    xo Cathy

  6. You had me at ruffles and "sealed the deal" at no sewing!!!!! What a great project and it turned out so pretty :) xx Cat

  7. These photos are lovely! The ruffles look great!

  8. Lovely photos hun, I love the chair design!

  9. Wow! How did she do that without sewing? Impressed!
    xoxo Marie

  10. How amazing that there's no sewing involved with the ruffle back chair! And I always enjoy your photos! Deb @

  11. Wow, the chair is amazing! Just need a nice chair to try it on now...

  12. The chair is so sweet!! Thanks for visiting out blog.. We follow you! Kisses Silvia and Chiara

  13. gorgeous chair!! Thanks for visiting my blog, you are always welcome!! Wish you a great day!! xx

  14. Great photos! The chair looks really sweet xo

  15. Nice pic. I love the 1st one. Nice for wedding photography, i guess =)
    Best Beauty Tips from Kim Kardashian

  16. The chair is amaing ! want the same ;)

    xx, Leah.

  17. Those photos are really beautiful and I totally adore the chair. So cute! Happy Tuesday, darling

  18. ok I LOVE that chair! I have never seen anything like it!!! thanks for sharing!

  19. Really beautiful photos and blog!!Thanks so much for the lovely comment on my blog, you are so kind!!The chair is awesome!!!

  20. Isn't that chair gorgeous? I love the fabric and the ruffles. So lovely!! I'm off to see some of the gorgeous posts that have linked up this week.


  21. very very beautiful chair!! :) thanks for sharing!


  22. These photo's are beautiful & that chair is to die for. Very nice.

  23. Great tutorial. ;)

  24. wow, those grounds are gorgeous! super photos lades. love the fact theirs no sewing involved for the diy. now that's cool stuff! & thanks for visiting me, glad you came by. ♥

  25. So glad the linky party is still up and that I was still able to join. I had an assignment due on Monday and then Monday was a public holiday in South Africa, so I really did not get much done in the land of the blogging.

    Thanks again Kirsty!

    By the way, I LOVE that chair! But in all honesty, I would want to, but never get to it. So I am not even going to look up how it's done.

  26. those first photos are so so pretty! and that ruffle chair is clearly awesome if there is no sewing involved for non-crafters like myself, haha!

  27. Ps: I’m hosting an amazing GIVEAWAY! You can win 5 cool art posters! Have a lovely day, sweetie

  28. that chair is soo cute! :)


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